Joel and Leo, Buffer Co-founders

Joel and Leo, Buffer Co-founders

A collection of 3 posts

A Startup Conversation: What Happens When Your Team Doubles in 4 Months

The Buffer team is more than 65 people right now, which means our startup has more than doubled in size this year. It’s been an incredibly exciting adventure! There are a lot of big factors for this growth, as well as many changes for all of us that have gone along with it. We recently sat down for a video chat with Buffer: Open’s Content Crafter, Courtney, to talk about why and how we’ve grown so much this year. She asked us some great and tough questions about thi

OpenNov 24, 2015
Introducing the New Buffer Salary Formula, Calculate-Your-Salary App and The Whole Team’s New Salaries

Hi there! This is an out of date post that we’ve kept around for transparency purposes. Learn more about the latest formula and see all the team’s current salaries here . It’s been over 2 years since we first shared our transparent salary formula ; we’ve be

OpenOct 27, 2014
We’re Raising $3.5m in Funding: Here is the Valuation, Term Sheet and Why We’re Doing It

Update: We closed a first syndicate on AngelList today, October 27th. We have opened a new one with VegasTechFund now here. Update 2: All our public AngelList syndicates have been oversubscribed and are now closed. The full $3.5m is now committed. What’s left is for us to finish the due diligence process with our lead investor (Collaborative Fund) in order to hopefully close out the funding, then have the money wired. We’ll update you once this is all done. Than