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A collection of 2,475 blog posts

AnalyticsMar 11, 2020
Introducing Best Time to Post: Personalized Recommendations to Increase Your Reach on Instagram

Search “best time to post on Instagram” and you’ll find countless articles telling you when to post according to studies of a few million Instagram posts. We have written such articles ourselves. For a long time, we thought that’s the way to grow our reach and engagement on social media. But that is no longer the best approach. There are many reasons for the change. Most importantly, you now have much more data about your own posts and followers. The best time to post is when your followers a

OverflowFeb 14, 2020
Migrating our component library to the Material Button

Header Photo byPearse O’Halloran onUnsplash For our Android clients we have a small component library which is used to shared common visual elements across the different Android applications that we work on. We recently updated our application

AnalyticsFeb 12, 2020
Introducing Buffer + Shopify: Simplified Shopify reporting in your Buffer dashboard

Please note: The Shopify integration with Buffer has been sunset. We recognize the value of integrating Shopify shop data with Buffer, and at the same time, maintaining the Shopify integration became increasingly complex and, as a small team, we have to make trade-offs to ensure we can deliver improvements to the core Buffer product. In the end, we decided that removing the current feature was best for Buffer's product. One thing we’ve heard over and over is that logging into social media analy

OpenFeb 11, 2020
This Is Why Remote Workers Want To Keep Working Remotely

We just released our annual State of Remote Work report, and one of the most consistent responses is that when we ask remote workers if they’d like to work remotely (at least some of the time) for the rest of their careers, 98 percent of them said yes. A further 97 percent of people said they would also recommend remote work to others. So what is it about remote work that makes people want to do it for the rest of their careers and recommend it so stron

OpenJan 13, 2020
5 Work Culture Trends We’re Looking Out For in 2020

We think a lot about work culture at Buffer. So at the end of the year, it’s always an interesting exercise to think on how the work world has evolved and the work culture trends we see on the horizon. Here are five of our predictions for 2020. They’re unscientific and pretty biased by our point of view, but that’s part of the fun! 1. The growth of ‘conscious companies’ Is the purpose of a business simply to make money? Up until recently, that question could be answered pretty simply: Yup! Bu

PinterestDec 20, 2019
How Brands Can Leverage Pinterest To Make Sales

Did you know: Pinterest is such a key part of the buying journey for its users that over 90 percent of weekly active Pinners use Pinterest to make purchasing decisions. Talk about buying power! Not only are Pinterest users making purchase decisions on the platform, 83 percent say they are making purchases specifically based on the content they’ve seen from brands on Pinterest. Pinterest is no longer simply a place to save ideas and build dream boards. Instead, Pinterest has turned into the w

OverflowDec 20, 2019
Selectively running Android modularized unit tests on your CI server

Header Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash Modularizing your Android projects can bring a number of different advantages to your team. Some of these include reduced build times, a greater separation of concerns and t

OpenDec 12, 2019
Our Most Requested Books of 2019: 20 Books the Buffer Team Loved This Year

As 2019 comes to a close, there are a lot of fun, interesting, and important numbers for us to look back on at Buffer. One of my favorites is looking at the number of books we’ve read as a team – 1,541 books this year! One of the coolest perks we have at Buffer team is that all team members (and their family members!) get a free Kindle and all the Kindle books they want to read—any book, anytime, no questions asked. It’s always interesting to see which books are most popular on the team. We ha

The Best Instagram Stories of 2019

Instagram Stories was one of the most dynamic social media channels in 2019. So much happened with Stories — from new developments with the product to strong returns on Stories ads and organic reach. Over 500 million people use Instagram Stories every day. I’m definitely among that group. And at Buffer, Stories has been a major focus in 2019 as well.

OpenDec 9, 2019
9 Lessons That Made Me a Better Remote Worker

With more and more people working remotely at least some of the time, more employees are experiencing that things change when there’s no office. Dynamics, habits and workflows change in a remote organization. Some changes are obvious, but others are subtle. As an employee in a fully remote company for the last few years, I’ve learned a few things that have helped me make the most of remote work. Here are some of the my biggest lessons. 1. Over-communicate by default How do you know if your

Why social commerce will rule social media in 2020

Social commerce is one of the hottest trends in social media today, and it looks to have an even bigger impact in 2020. Get all the details here.

OverflowDec 3, 2019
Tainting and Labeling Kubernetes Nodes to Run Special Workload — A quick guide that is finally NOT confusing

All right folks, I intend to keep this one short and that’s what I will do. I mean, it’s supposed to be easy but the official documentation(1 , 2 ) makes it unnecessarily confusing. So I think maybe I can help to fill in the gap. I will be using one of our business requirements at Buffer in this [

Breaking BrandNov 26, 2019
Next Up

After launching its first brand to market, the team reflects on the journey and what’s next for Pattern.

OpenNov 25, 2019
The 39 Products Our All-Remote Team Can’t Live Without

Back in 2016, we shared the tech, bags and products that our team found essential for remote work. This year, it’s time for an update and many new additions to our original list. Here are lots more gadgets, gear and other essentials our all-remote team can’t live without, including: * Daily backpacks * Travel bags * Monitors, trackpads and computer accessories * Headphones * Cell phones and cases * Laptops * Journals and pens * Home speakers * Gaming systems * Other work/life essenti

Breaking BrandNov 19, 2019
Equal Parts

Inspiration doesn’t always come from obvious places. Can 70’s jazz music encourage a culinary revolution?

Brand Secrets for Standing Out in a Crowded World

These days, we live in a world of infinite supply… In just a few clicks, anyone can start a business. Anyone can create products, build an online store, publish ads, and reach an audience online. This means that every market is becoming flooded with businesses offering similar products, features, and solutions. So to stand out you need to have a brand that your customers connect with, and care about deeply. In this post, we’ll be sharing some tips and strategies to help you to build your bran

How to Set Kubernetes Resource Requests and Limits - A Saga to Improve Cluster Stability and Efficiency

A mystery So, it all started on September 1st, right after our cluster upgrade from 1.11 to 1.12. Almost on the next day, we began to see alerts on kubelet reported by Datadog. On some days we would get a few (3 – 5) of them, other days we would get more than 10 in a single day. The alert monitor is based on a Datadog check – kubernetes.kubelet.check, and it’s triggered whenever the kubelet process is down in a node. We know kubelet [

The Newest Black Friday + Cyber Monday Ideas for Your Social Media Marketing

The biggest retail dates of the year are just around the corner. Do you have your social media marketing ready? We’ve researched some of the trendiest marketing ideas for Black Friday + Cyber Monday, including flash sales, messenger marketing, and UGC. In this blog post, we’ll cover a host of new ideas, tips, and tactics that can help you boost your already-planned campaigns or give you some inspiration for an up

Breaking BrandNov 12, 2019
Enjoy Daily Life

Slow down. Pause. Step Back. The road to launch isn’t always straight.

Breaking BrandNov 6, 2019
The Major Leagues

Rediscovering the joy in everyday moments pulls the team towards a new mission.

Breaking BrandNov 6, 2019
Gin Lane

With their agency at the forefront of its industry, success wasn’t quite what it seemed.

A Crash Course in Custom Audiences for Your Social Media Ads

When you want to get your message in front of the right people on social media , where do you turn? More and more, brands and businesses are turning to social ads and custom audiences. You can do a lot of awesome, targeted messaging by focusing on the right audiences with your ads — whether you’re talking to a group of customers, a

We Tried ‘Half-Day Fridays.’ Here’s How It Went.

Friday has become somewhat of an “experiment day” at Buffer. Different areas of Buffer have tried Fridays with no Slack , have reserved Friday afternoons for personal development , and have even taken Friday afternoons off . Using Fridays to try new ways of work has become such a part of our culture that we recently tried our first full-te

The Keys to Epic Engagement on Social Media

It doesn’t get much better than a moment of delight on social media. We love the brands who deliver these moments to customers (as customers of some of these brands, we particularly love when it happens to us). And we aim to deliver delight on a regular basis when we interact with Buffer customers online, too. Social media engagement seems like a slam dunk strategy. Everyone should be doing it, right? But it certainly comes with its blind spots and questions. Should you be replying to everyon