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Kevan Lee

Former VP of Marketing @ Buffer

A collection of 270 posts by Kevan Lee - Page 7

AnalyticsJan 12, 2015
10 Unique Ideas to Test on Every Social Media Channel (And How to Tell What Works)

One of our favorite ways to improve our results on social media is to try new things. We dream up a new idea or research a possible change in strategy , we test it out, and we see what happens. The testing phase is one of the most important stages for us—not only the “what to te

Self-ImprovementJan 8, 2015
Buffer’s 19 Favorite Books of 2014

We find that self-improvement and reading go hand-in-hand. Many of the books we seem to grab at Buffer tend to be related to our current tasks, our new ideas, our passions and pursuits, or even just a nice sampling of good writing and entertaining topics to keep us tuned in and engaged. We end up reading a deep and wide assortment of inspiring stuff. As a team, we read 656 books in 2014. I’m happy to share the 19 most popular ones from our reading list. Note: One of the neat perks we have o

The 51 Greatest Articles About Writing I’ve Ever Read

You want to be the world’s best online writer, a David Ogilvy of the blogs, a Shakespeare of the social media. Or maybe you just want to be good enough to get by on freelance writing. Where do you get your education? How do you improve? I’ve faced these same questions, and I still face these questions as I aim to keep improving as an online writer. I majored in journalism in college. There wasn’t a content marketing course back in the day. Everything I’ve learned has been self-taught. And I

10 Things We’ve Learned About Social Media in 2014

One of the best ways I’ve found to learn new things on social media is to try new things. We experiment, we make mistakes. We succeed, and we fail. And we get a better feeling for how things might work and the best strategies, ideas, and experiments to try next. I’ve had the privilege of trying out a number of these new strategies and experiments this year, learning tons about the best way to share on social media. I’d love to share with you what I’ve learned! Keep reading for my list of the

Tips / How ToDec 22, 2014
How to Schedule Social Media Content for Next Week, Next Month, and Next Year

When I can find the time to do so, I love to plan ahead. I’ll write out tomorrow’s to-do list. I’ll add ideas to our content calendar. And I’ll schedule the next day’s social media updates—or even the next week’s, if I’m feeling ambitious. Maybe some day I’ll get to the point of scheduling a month or even a year ahead! Scheduling part of your social media content in advance is well worth it. And I’ll be happy to share with you some strategies, tips, and tools that can help you get organized a

Tips / How ToDec 17, 2014
How to Share to Social Media If You Don’t Have Time

There are days when I spend loads of enjoyable time writing new blogposts, creating images to share, and checking analytics, and then when I’m just nearly ready to close the laptop and sign off, I remember: I need to schedule social media posts for the next day. Or, I need to follow-up with mentions. Or, I need to curate some content. Or, I need to do one of the myriad tasks of a social media manager, and wouldn’t you know it I’m just about out of time. Saving time on social media is a big goa

Content MarketingDec 16, 2014
How to Optimize Blog Images for Maximum Impact on Social Media and Search

You’ve likely heard the advice to add visual content to your blogposts whenever possible. Visual content is more than 40 times more likely to get shared on social media . So I added images to blogposts. And I learned there’s quite a bit more to it than that. Adding images to blogposts is a great start. You’re likely to see increases in social sharing [

10 of Social Media Marketing’s Most Frequently Asked Questions

When it comes to hearing great social media advice, I seem to have a bit of a preference: I quite enjoy finding the advice that fits my questions specifically. And wouldn’t you know, my questions are likely to be different than your questions and yours different than the next person’s. Social media is a brilliant puzzle to solve, and we often seem to be working on different parts of the picture. So what are social media’s biggest questions? To find out, we asked. We solicited feedback and qu

ResourcesDec 10, 2014
For Social Media Beginners and Pros Alike: A Free Social Media Marketing Resource Kit

When you’re just starting off on social media—whether as an individual or a brand or a company or otherwise—the potential of Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn and all the various other social media channels can be hugely exciting. And for the social media pros, the questions exist, too. What to do first? Where to click? What to upload? What to share? These are questions I’ve had each time I’ve started on social media with a new venture. Where to begin? And what resources will I need to take

ResearchDec 3, 2014
The Art of Pinning a Tweet or Facebook Post: Inside Our Stats and Strategies on Pinning

To help with the inevitable noise surrounding a new post on social media, Facebook,  Twitter and Google+  allow you to pin a post to the top of your page or profile, giving new life to old content and providing a quick win to get your most important updates even more love. Pinning seems like a very useful feature [

The Ultimate List of 95 Blogpost Ideas for Creating Craveable Content to Share on Social

Having all the best blogging tools and resources , having a plan to share  your amazing content on social media, having everything in place to put your marketing strategy into action still requires one thing: You must create the content to be shared, loved, and engaged with. The blank page must

Content MarketingNov 24, 2014
39 Blogging Tools to Help You Work Faster, Write Better, and Land More Readers

When you’re finding amazing content to share on social media—the kind of thing that grabs attention and gets people to click, share, and comment—one of the most valuable, most original places to turn is your own blog and the content you personally create. So the questions become: How to create amazing content, how to put together blogposts strategically and efficiently, and how to get your content out to the masses. Writing tips are a good place to start. And to supplement the words you use to

The Science of Building a Strong, Lasting Community on Social Media

How do your interactions differ between the online world and the offline? Away from the computer, we may have a better feeling on how to interact with one another and build relationships. Online? It’s a bit of a different world. As a distributed team at Buffer—meaning we all work from wherever we’re happiest—our interactions together and our relationships with one another take place online. The same goes for many of the connections we make on social media. So it seems worthwhile to have a bet

ResearchNov 17, 2014
15 Psychological Studies That Will Boost Your Social Media Marketing

How does your audience decide what it wants to click, share, favorite, and purchase? Understanding a bit of behavioral psychology can go a long ways toward a better understanding of your audience and why they do the things they do on social media and on your website. There’s tons here for marketers to discover, and the psychology of human interaction can lead to some quick wins in the way you compose your social media updates and communicate online. I’ve collected 15 of my favorite psychologic

Guides & CoursesNov 13, 2014
New E-book! Our Best Twitter Tips: 33 Ways to Get the Most Value Out of Twitter

Twitter tips is one of our favorite topics on the blog. We love learning how to get more followers, earn more clicks, and share better content. Twitter represents a huge—and free!—opportunity for marketers to distribute content, engage with others in their industry, and promote their brand online. And we’re keen to find the absolute best way to get the most value out of Twitter. We’ve written before about Twitter tips for beginners, time-saving hacks, and advanced techniques, and for the firs

The 10 Latest & Greatest Social Media Strategies to Boost Your Results and Save You Time

I’m constantly amazed and inspired by the way that others go about experimenting, testing, and trying out new methods to get more value out of their social media marketing. Constant testing is something we love to do at Buffer. So I’m always keen to hear about new tests to try. There’s no shortage of intriguing new social media strategies. I’m excited to share 10 of the latest ones I’ve been interested to try here at Buffer. Do you think these might work for you and your social media marketin

Content MarketingNov 10, 2014
Your Content, Everywhere: The 17 Best Tools to Get Your Content Its Largest Audience

When you’re creating useful, actionable, epic content, everyone deserves to see it. So how do you get your hard work and effort seen by the largest audience possible? We’ve considered that question often at Buffer, as we try to maximize our content so it reaches the people who need it. There are certain strategies you can put into place for spreading your content far and wide, and there are a good number of tools that can help these strategies run super smooth. Here are the tools we use (and

ToolsNov 6, 2014
How Social Media Automation Can Cut Your Sharing Time in Half

Imagine taking a week off at the beach while your social media profiles hummed along without missing a beat. One of the greatest social media superpowers you hold—as an individual, a brand, or an agency—is the ability to control time. With the right tool, you can post into the future so that the next two days, two weeks, or even two months are taken care of, no matter where you happen to be. Social media automation makes it possible to save time, stay flexible, and plan your online marketing s

ResearchNov 5, 2014
How Friends Influence Us On Social Media (and What This Means for Savvy Marketers)

Why do you read the updates you read? Why do you browse the products you browse? There are hidden motivations behind a lot of the actions we take online, especially so with social media. The influence of friends and family has a big impact on what we click, view, share, and like. Researchers have discovered some specifics behind why friends impact us the way they do. These insights

OpenNov 4, 2014
17 Top Tools for Remote Workers and Digital Nomads

You might have noticed that we’re big fans of tools at Buffer. We’ve written about tools for mobile marketing. Tools for Facebook. Tools for SEO. Of course, we make tools for social media management, so there’s a chance we could be a bit biased. But we see online tools and apps as a key part of our philosophy of working smarter, not harder. It’s also a lot of fun to find a great new tool! So when the tool-finding team at Product Hunt asked us at Buffer to curate a list of our top tools for re

Guides & CoursesOct 30, 2014
What’s the Best Way to Spend 30 Minutes of Your Time on Social Media Marketing?

Social media management can be a full-time job, and even for those who do social along with any number of other tasks, social media marketing can still take 10 or more hours every week. So what would you do if you only had 30 minutes to spend on social media? How would you prioritize your tasks so you make the absolute most of your valuable time? I tend to find pockets of time throughout the day where I wish I could be as productive as possible in windows here and there. When a 30-minute wind

ResearchOct 29, 2014
Anatomy of a Perfect Facebook Post: Exactly What to Post to Get Better Results

You post to your Facebook page , hoping you’ve hit upon something that works. How great would it be know that the post you just published had the best chance of maximizing clicks, likes, and comments. Facebook posts especially—given the dramatic dip in reach —can feel like a mystery. How do you create the perfect Facebook post? Does the perfect Facebook post even exist? I went looking for answe

ToolsOct 27, 2014
45 Best Mobile Apps and Tools for Marketers: How to Manage Social Media From Anywhere

You get a ton done when you’re at your computer, speeding away on the day’s social media strategy . Might there be a way to wring some productivity when you’re away from your desk? Mobile apps and tools can make it so a marketer’s entire day is filled with opportunities to connect, engage, and share. You can get more

Buffer NewsOct 23, 2014
Introducing The New Buffer for iPad and iPhone: Share to All Your Social Media Sites, No Matter Where You Are

Your sharing schedule is as unique as you. Content finds you when you’re sitting down to work, when you’re flipping through your phone, and when you’re kicked back on the couch. Inspiration comes, regardless of the device you’re holding. How great would it be to schedule and share whenever these moments arrive? We’d love to do our part to help make sharing to social media even easier, from wherever you are. We’re excited to deliver even more of our simple-to-use Buffer app that fits the way yo