Workplace of the future - Page 15
Today, we are thrilled to announce the newest version of Buffer’s iOS app , which represents a major upgrade in design, code, and features. We’ve gone through many iterations, and we’re hoping you like what we’ve come up with. The end product was more than five months in the making, and we thought it might be neat to give you a behind-the-scenes look at the development process. Design The first thing you’ll notice with most iOS
From the moment you join the Buffer team, you are encouraged to read. In fact, the welcome email implores you to read early and often, and you receive a Kindle Paperwhite and free Kindle books just to make sure there are no obstacles to reading as much as you want. (Sound like something that might interest you? We’re hiring!) And once you are part of the team, you continue to see the deep impact that reading has on the goals and improvements of all of us. When we share our weekly improveme
When Buffer was in its very early stages, just a couple months after the product launched, we applied to be part of the prestigious Y Combinator accelerator program. We were rejected. Since then, we’ve been keenly aware that this experience is one that many fellow startups have encountered and one that many more will eventually face. When Karen Cheng, CEO of GiveIt100, shared the story of her Y Combinator rejection, it struck a chord with readers. Rejection stories don’t get told nearly often
While this is a bit overdue, I am still so happy to share that in February, Zach Flower has finished the 45 day Buffer Bootcamp and accepted our invitation to join the Buffer team full-time! Zach lives in Boulder, Colorado and in the past has worked at Mocavo and PhotoBucket. In such a short time Zach has had a huge impact on the Buffer backend. He has improved our internal metrics framework, implemented real-time Twitter analytics for our business customers using Site Streams [
Hi there! This is an out of date post that we’ve kept around for transparency purposes. Go here to view the latest version of this post. A lot of people have asked us how we hire at Buffer and how to go about getting an interview for one of our open positions. I hope I can shine some light on it here! The best candidates for us, we’ve found, have all four of these attributes: I’d love to share a bit more about each of these 4 attributes. The 4 qualities that create a match 1. Al
At the core of how Buffer schedules posts is one line of a cronjob configuration that hasn’t been touched since the very start when Joel founded Buffer. We still rely on that single cronjob that runs every minute of every day. While this configuration is the same, everything else around it has evolved. Today, Buffer schedules on average 300 posts per minute and over 432,000 posts a day. Here’s a look at some of the challenges and iterations we’ve made to the core of what we do—schedu
Important update: We’re retiring the Suggestions feature – beginning August 1, we’ll start turning off Suggestions in phases. Read more… Overcoming writer’s block. Curating great content. Sharing on social media many times a day for better engagement. These are topics we talk about often on the Buffer blog, where our daily focus is making you smarter and more productive. So when we realized that Buffer could go one step further and actually begin to solve these challenges for our customers, w
In August I was given the amazing opportunity to join Buffer as a front-end developer. At that time I was living in Taipei teaching English. Buffer is a distributed company so while I coded for them I was able to continue teaching. At the end of October, I left my teaching job because I just couldn’t do both jobs for much longer. It left me exhausted with no time for side-projects. Wi
At Buffer we recently spent the past 6 weeks focusing on one key metric – reducing churn rate. Comparing to the initial setting up of the growth effort with lots of experimentation and exploratory data analysis, it was a conscious shift to align the team’s focus on one key metric. Here are 6 ideas for those of you who run subscription-based businesses. Churn rate can be broadly defined as the proportion of users who leave the service. For a freemium, subscription-based business, we focus churn
This article appeared in full form on OnStartups and you can read the post “The Pitch Deck We Used To Raise $500,000 For Our Startup ” there. When Joel and I first arrived in San Francisco around 2 years ago, we had absolutely no idea about fundraising. Even the term “pitch deck” was something copmletely new to us. One lessons, that we quickly learned, however, was that it’s a big no-no to