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The Complete Buffer Guide to Social Media Success: A 10-Day Email Course to Boost Your Results

Oct 27, 2015 3 min readGuides & Courses
Photo of Kevan Lee
Kevan Lee

Former VP of Marketing @ Buffer

Anyone is capable of mastering social media marketing.

You can take a huge leap forward in just 10 days.

We’re grateful for the opportunity to be immersed in social media marketing here at Buffer, developing our best processes and systems for building a social media marketing machine.

And we’d love to share our blueprint with you.

Join us for an action-packed 10-day email course to learn exactly how we manage social media marketing here at Buffer.

Get the complete 10-day plan for mastering social media!

Full details on our latest email course

buffer email course sample

We share everything: from the way we experiment with optimal timing to the way we create must-click images to the full system behind our social media strategy.

Sound interesting? Simply drop in your email below and receive the first lesson in minutes.

We’d count it an amazing privilege to share with you these tips and systems that have been so useful for us!  You can join for free by entering your email above.

We’ll send you one email per day, Monday through Friday, for the next 10 days.

Each email contains a a full video overview of a unique part of our workflow, along with quick and simple tutorials and takeaways that you can implement in minutes.

We’d love to make it as easy as possible for you to put into action the tips and techniques that have made a huge difference for us on social media. We’ve got full info on:

  • How we get the absolute most out of Buffer for our social media marketing
  • How we test and experiment with timing, headlines, and more
  • How we analyze our social media stats
  • How we save time on social media
  • And tons more!

We can’t wait to share with you!

Join this courseYou’re 10 days, 10 minutes or less per day, from boosting your social media success!

What lessons will be included?

We’d love to give you an early look at what this course covers. Here’s an overview of the daily lessons we’re excited to share!

  1. How to find your optimal time to post (and how to set up the ideal testing schedule)
  2. The complete tutorial on easy (and beautiful) image-making for social media
  3. The best things to share on social media? See the one strategy we found to always work
  4. Where to look to see your very best social media updates (and why they’re so great!)
  5. The most underrated, under-used tip for more clicks: Share the same content more than once
  6. How we’ve made social media sharing easier on ourselves with teams and groups
  7. How to create a custom social media report from scratch (in under 5 minutes)
  8. Putting it all together: A top-to-bottom social media strategy [Part One]
  9. A top-to-bottom social media strategy [Part Two]
  10. Our favorite blogs, courses, and resources for staying in-the-know about social media marketing and growth

Here’s a quick preview of Day One.

social media course day one

F.A.Q. – Frequently Asked Questions about this course

Does the course cost anything?

It’s 100% free!

We’re excited to give our strategy and workflow away in hopes that it might be helpful for you and your marketing efforts.

Who is it for?

Everyone! It’s not tied to Buffer accounts at all, so both current Buffer users and yet-to-be Buffer users can join.

Will you be signing me up for other newsletters or lists, too?

No, we will not sign you up for other email lists without your express permission. Your email’s safe with us.

Help! I haven’t received my confirmation email yet!

If you can let us know the email you signed up with, I’d be happy to look you up in our system to see if all’s in working order. The first email should be headed your way shortly after signup, or first thing on Monday if you’ve signed up on the weekend. If you’re yet to see anything, I’d be very happy to investigate for you!

(Often times, some folks experience a bit more of a delay than others, depending on email service provider.)

We’d love to invite you to join this course!

It’d be a real privilege to share these social media strategies with you and to have the chance to connect with you over the next 10 days.

Ready to get started?

Image source: Placeit

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