Belle Beth Cooper
A collection of posts by Belle Beth Cooper
A collection of 98 posts by Belle Beth Cooper - Page 2
It wasn’t long ago that Twitter added inline image previews to its official apps, including the web view. Now, Twitter is including more image focus in the latest redesign. On the left-hand side of Twitter’s new web view, your profile and header images are now visible. We’ve done tests on our own Twitter account previously that showed images make a huge difference to engagement: Images aren’t just useful for Twitter, either. Facebook and Google+ posts look great with images in them, and Pinte
In the past six months that I’ve been a Content Crafter at Buffer, I’ve been writing a lot. I’ve also been trying to write regularly on my own blog and for my startup, Exist. That’s a lot of writing. During this time, I’ve also been experimenting with small changes in my workflow, my writing process and the types of content I produce. The result has been an improvement in my writing and a better understanding of how I work best. Hopefully you’ll find some of these things helpful in improving yo
When it comes to helping you out with Social Media, we often like to categorize things. For example, we’d write about the optimal timing of your posts, or how to come up with the best headlines, and the like. What happened over the last few weeks though is that we collected a number of awesome tips to post on Social Media, that didn’t quite all fit together. So we thought, why not creating a list of unique tips, that might not have that much in common, but are hopefully still very useful for yo
When we shared this image from the @buffer Twitter account a while back, it got me thinking. The Tweet resulted in over 1,000 retweets, which seems like an indication that it resonated with a lot of people. There’s a key difference between knowledge and experience and it’s best described like this: The original is from cartoonist Hugh MacLeod , who came up with such a brill
Facebook’s ranking algorithm decides which posts get shown to each user in their News Feed. The algorithm has gone through some major changes in the past , but the most recent one has thrown a lot of social media marketers for a loop. An Adage article [http://adage.com/article/digital/facebook-admits-organic-reach-bra
There is the famous story about Steve Jobs when he invented the iPod and everyone in the news and the rest of the tech industry scratched their head a little. MP3 players had been around for quite a while, what was so different about the iPod? Of course, people argued many things were different, but one of the key aspects was how Jobs marketed and presented it: “1,000 songs in your pocket” When everyone else was saying “1GB storage on your MP3 player”, telling people about the product, Apple
Social media changes so fast that we often miss the small differences on each platform we use. Every now and then I find it really useful to do a roundup of what’s been changing on the big networks lately. Here are ten changes I found that took place in the last couple of months, which could be useful for you
When you’re facing a blank page with no idea what to write, it’s hard to imagine how you’ll ever get to the other side of a finished piece. I’ve gone through this a few times, so I thought it might be helpful to share the methods that have worked for me. 1. Be honest & work your struggles into your content This is actually the method that inspired this post. I was working on a post about Google Analytics [https://buffer.com/resources/the-content-marketers-guide-to-google-analytics-how-to-extract-num
I’ve written about positivity before, in terms of cultivating a positive outlook for yourself. What I want to write about today is cultivating positivity in your workplace, particularly if you’re a leader. By focusing on positive interactions with your employees and encouraging an upbeat emotional state as often as possible, you’ll be more likely to have a happy, productive and efficient team. How positivity affects our brains To start with, let’s look at how positive and negative emotions wo
We recently launched Buffer for Business and have been really excited to see how people are using it to manage social media for their businesses. Our aim is to make it the most robust tool for managing social media, while maintaining its simplicity. Today we have some great additional features to announce as part of our social media management for business plan. Google Analytics integration First up, we’re excited to offer Go
Our CEO Joel recently changed the way he thinks about sharing on Twitter, and I really like his new approach. And if you just take a brief glance at his Twitter account , you’ll what an engaged following Joel was able to build over the past. Fortunately, I could just go ahead and ask him about the changes he made and the system he uses, which I thought of sharing with all of you today here. And just a glance at the stats belo
Infographics seem to be getting more and more popular lately. They’re certainly fun to look at, and they convey useful information in a format that’s fast and easy to digest. One thing to keep in mind with infographics is that they’re generally static—unlike blog posts, they’re rarely updated as new information becomes available. To help you get your 2014 marketing strategy off to a great start, we’ve rounded up 10 infographics with useful stats, information and suggestions about online marketi
Through-out 2013, there were a number of posts here on the Buffer blog that you and others simply found more useful than any other posts. How do we know? We looked at all our past post through a simple Google Analytics analysis and this is what we found. Since we recently launched Buffer for Business, we thought of putting together a complimentary guide of the best resources for you to make the most of Social Media in 2014. In case you missed any of these, or need a refresher, here are the top
Admission time: I don’t know much about Google Analytics. In fact, I generally gloss over when I read anything about it, since I usually find it all quite overwhelming and hard to understand. And not that much fun, to be honest. But, being a content marketer, I can’t afford to ignore Google Analytics. It’s a great (free!) tool that helps us keep track of our goals for the Buffer blog and understand where we can improve. If you’re in a similar situation to me, hopefully this post will highlight
I’ve been reading some advice from successful writers lately and exploring what their routines are like to see what I can learn about Here are six of the most common pieces of advice I came across that have helped me a lot improving my writing here at Buffer . It also features actionable t
Today we’re thrilled to tell you about the next big thing we’ve been working on here at Buffer: Buffer for Business. It’s a brand new Buffer product, geared towards small, medium and larger businesses to make social media publishing a whole lot easier! It comes with the same, simple and intuitive Buffer user interface, that so many of you have come to enjoy. On top of that, we’ve also added considerable power for you to help your social media management take off. Here is a quick overview of w
Finding the right time to post on social media can be tricky, especially when each different social network has its own audience to think about. And we’ve written a few different articles here on the Buffer blog that touched on how to come up with the best time to Tweet. And yet, we never quite dedicated a full article to the topic. There are a few different ways to help us decide what timing we shoul
One of the key parts of our culture at Buffer is a focus on self-improvement. We each pick an area to improve on each week and share our daily progress and challenges, making it a social, supportive way to adjust, create or change our habits. There’s still a lot of work to be done for self-improvement to be effective, though. I’ve been through a bunch of different improvement focuses in the last few months, including positivity, running, reading more and learning French. Each one has been fun t
There’s been a lot of talk recently about how marketing is evolving, and marketers need to keep up. I’m still not sure of the exact definition of “growth hacker,” since everyone seems to be putting their own spin on the term still, so I’ll use the term “technical marketer” in this post to mean someone who works in marketing and uses technical skills (e.g. programming) to enhance their work. To start with, let’s see what people are saying about this idea of marketers getting technical and why i
Quick Summary In November we had 529,184 unique visitors, a little less than in October. We published the same number of posts (15), and had 3 times as many posts republished elsewhere. How did the blog do overall? * Total uniques: 529,184 (-3% from Oct) * Total posts published: 15 (10 in-house, 5 guest posts) * Total posts republished: 12 (TheNextWeb, Lifehacker, Fast Company, Huffington Post, Business Insider) * Top 3 referral sites: Facebook (70,173 uniques), Fast Company (12,596),
When I joined Buffer, one of the things I was most excited about was seeing how we can get a lot done with a distributed team. I knew that Buffer was specifically set up to work this way and I was curious about seeing that play out. It turns out, this is possible mostly because of the great tools we use. We’re continually testing and adding new ones to our arsenal to make sure we’re all on the same page and are looking after our customers as best we can. Here are some of the products and servi
You may have heard about the recent security breach that affected many Buffer users. This is something we would have hoped to never face in our lives. And yet, through the experience of the hack, we’ve had a unique opportunity to learn about security and safety on a level that we would have likely never explored before. On top of that, we were incredibly amazed by how supportive our customers (you!) were through the whole process of recovery. With all that trust given to us, despite the big m
Reposting the same content on social media can be quite a controversial topic. Some people don’t like it at all, while others advocate it strongly. For Buffer’s social media accounts, we regularly do this. We found this to work surprisingly well and thought it might be interesting to explore the topic in a more analytical way. Here is some interesting data around republishing your content multiple times on social media. Simply looking at the latest social media stats, there seems to be good ca
I’m a big fan of music, and use it a lot when working, but I had no idea about how it really affects our brains and bodies. Since music is such a big part of our lives, I thought it would be interesting and useful to have a look at some of the ways we react to it without even realizing. “Without music, life would be a mistake” – Friedrich Nietzsche Of course, music affects many different areas of the brain, as you can see in the image below, so we’re only scratching the surface wit