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59 Tools, 9 Books, and 7 Great Pieces of Advice on Productivity: A #Bufferchat Recap

Jun 12, 2014 3 min readResources
Photo of Nicole Miller
Nicole Miller

Director of People @ Buffer

On Wednesday, June 11, we kicked off a new weekly Twitter chat called #Bufferchat.

In the past, our COO, Leo, hosted #toolschat and found great advice and tools through those Twitter chats. It was definitely time to bring back a Buffer-hosted Twitter chat, and our goal behind #Bufferchat is to further bind our incredible community and create amazing, helpful discussions. We’re aiming to do this weekly and explore a variety of topics that will help all Buffer fans and users!

This week’s focus was on productivity—a favorite topic of ours at Buffer. We were blown away by the response of our amazing fans and all the incredible information that was shared!

For all things #bufferchat: Visit the #bufferchat home page for recaps, roundups, and the upcoming schedule!

Here are some of the highlights:

What productivity tools do you use on a daily basis?

Here’s a list of some the apps mentioned during the chat (in no particular order):

      • Old-fashioned egg timer
      • An hourglass
      • Post-It notes
      • Old school pen and paper
      • …Coffee & tea were also highlighted. ?

Bonus:@kmullett shared these lists of tools: 155 Tools – Slideshare from Market Snare

What productivity book has helped you with your daily workflow or time management?

What’s the greatest time-management or work productivity advice you’ve ever received?

What time or task management need do you feel currently isn’t being filled with an app or website?

Some responses included accountability and tracking time spent outdoors. Others included:

Click here to read the full recap in Storify!

Join us next Wednesday

We’d love to see you at the next #Bufferchat on Wednesday, June 18 at 9 a.m. PST/noon EST where we’ll be discussing personal improvements!

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