Open metrics

A transparent company since 2010

Since 2013, we’ve been open with Buffer’s finances and our team’s salaries, among many other metrics. We share openly because we believe in the power of transparency to build trust, hold us accountable to a high standard, and push our industry forward.

This is a dashboard for anyone to see how we’re building Buffer.

MAUMonthly Active Users
MRRMonthly Recurring Revenue
ARPUAverage Revenue Per User
ARRAnnual Recurring Revenue
CEO Salary
Average Salary

Random employee salaries

CarlosSoftware Engineer
Mike EProduct Marketing Manager
JakubSoftware Engineer
KarinnaTechnical Advocate
NateCustomer Advocate
First response within 2 hours in the last 90 days
Customer satisfaction in the last 90 days
Customer emails solved in the last quarter

We’re Sunsetting Pablo, Remix, and Stories Creator

Nine years ago, we decided to launch a new free product alongside Buffer. We called it Pablo, and it was a huge hit in our community. Within just seven months of its launch, half a million photos were created using Pablo. Similarly, we had the initial ideas for Stories Creator and Remix many years ago now. All three of these tools have been an important part of Buffer’s story. They’ve taught us lessons and helped us connect with a wider audience. In Pablo’s case, the idea for this tool happene

Buffer’s Recent Performance and What Our Team Has Been Doing About It

If you use Buffer, you might have experienced us having more downtime than usual recently. We want to start with an apology for not sharing more transparently along the way what’s been happening. We’ve been caught up in the work and haven’t invested enough in communicating with our community, and we’re so sorry about this misstep. We know some of our customers have had a frustrating time using Buffer recently and we need to do better by you.  This past August and September were the months we’ve