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Do Instagram Carousels Get More Engagement? (Yes, but it’s Complex)
Do Instagram Carousels Get More Engagement? (Yes, but it’s Complex)

We analyzed the 184 posts @Buffer published on Instagram to figure out if carousel posts get more engagement. For us, they do (by 2.37%), but it’s more complex than you might think.

Why You Should Use Instagram Carousels + 10 Ideas to Get You Started
Why You Should Use Instagram Carousels + 10 Ideas to Get You Started

In this guide, we'll give you everything you need to know about carousels and some inspiration to help you get started.

The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Carousel Ads
The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Carousel Ads

Facebook carousel ads are extremely engaging and fun way to promote your business. According to data collected by Kinetic Social, these ads can also drive up to 10 times more traffic to advertisers’ websites than static sponsored posts on Facebook. And LOVOO found that they got a 72%higher click-through rate versus single image mobile app ads.  …

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