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Infographics: Building Your Twitter Reputation

Oct 18, 2011 1 min readSocial Media Marketing

Where do Twitter reputations come from? How can you build yours?

You build your reputation through activity on Twitter—what you say and do. And by listening to feedback and paying attention to results to improve what you do.

The Basics of Your Twitter Reputation

Over time, you can keep refining every part of building your reputation to get better and better. For example, I recently updated the bio in my profile.

Setting up your Twitter profile is the first step in creating a reputation. Then comes the connections you build with friends, groups, and events, and roles voluntarily undertaken.

And all throughout is the content you find and share, and the style and tone and quality of your interactions, comments and discussions.

So the three steps to a great Twitter reputation can be said to be content, style and connections. And over time you begin to understand some best practices for using Twitter.

Understanding Best Practices

By Buffering Tweets, they are posted at optimal times giving you 2x more exposure.

Understanding Twitter’s Listening Network

You can listen to people you don’t follow through search and retweets and reading through the conversations of people that you follow.

Listening is passive: you can learn, but can’t guide conversations or build relationships. When you switch from listening to interacting, your two networks begin to merge.

When you actively engage your network (such as with a request or question) you begin to build your reputation. So get out there and engage your network!

What have you found to most helpful in building your reputation on Twitter? Leave a comment in the box below

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