about us page examplesPhoto Credit:
Photo by Chad Madden on Unsplash

How to Craft a Winning About Us Page: 10 Real Examples for Creators and Small Businesses

Your ‘About Us’ page helps your audience connect with your brand on a deeper level. Here are the ten best About Us pages of creators and small businesses to take inspiration from.

Oct 10, 2024 12 min readSocial Media Marketing

Call me strange, but the About Us page is one of the first web pages I visit after discovering a brand or a creator. I want to know the people behind the curtain — their core values, the company’s origin story, and brand identity.

Turns out, I’m not alone: A study by HubSpot found 31 percent of participants saying that an About Us page is one of the most important elements of a business website.

Clearly, About Us pages are an excellent lever for attracting customers and telling them about your brand’s story.

This article has 10 About Us page examples to inspire you. Take elements from it that you can incorporate into your own web page!

But first…

What even is an About Us page?

The definition of an About Us page runs wide. It’s the place to share your origin story, social proof, mission statement, company values, and a whole lot more.

If you can share all the above components on your About Us page, that’s great! But if not, don’t sweat it. There are no rules here — include as much or as little as you like to help your target audience get to know you. You’ll find the About Us page examples I’ve shared here do the same.

Because here’s the thing: About Us pages evolve! In the initial stage of your small business, you might not have the time, energy, or resources to create a full-fledged About Us page that includes all the shebang with Matisse-level page design. It’s not what will initially provide you with the most return on investment (ROI), either. So, do a short version when you can and update it as you go.

What can you include in your About Us page?

All the above said it doesn’t hurt to know the possibilities of what you can include in your About Us page.

1. Brief company description: Before diving deep, tell your target audience what you do and sell. Give them a concise introduction to your brand and its products or services.

2. Company history: Everyone has a founding story of why they began their business. Tell your potential buyers your unique story — why you started your small company, your goals, how you came this far, etc. Use interactive web design features to make it engaging and hold your audience’s attention.

3. Mission statement: Your brand story should lead up to what your overarching aim is. What kind of change do you want to create? Who do you help? How? Answer these questions in a few paragraphs. A company’s mission has the power to leave a lasting impression — so spend some time crafting a memorable mission statement.

4. Company’s core values: Brand values define the company culture. What does your brand stand for (or against)? How do you operate in your day-to-day business? Why do you do what you do? A company’s values hold the weight of defining brand positioning, so give it some thought before publishing.

5. Social proof: This component isn’t necessary, but you can throw it in for good measure. Tell potential buyers why your existing buyers love you. You can also include positive press mentions. Social proof can help you stretch the positive impression you’ve built with the other aspects of your About Us page but don’t make it the focal point.

6. Social media links: Many potential customers will come as site visitors before they convert to buyers. For them, add your company’s social media accounts. Your target audience can follow you there and you’ll be on top of their mind.

7. Call to action: Many About Us page examples forget to add this. Once someone scrolls at the end of your About Us page, what should they do next? You can encourage them to follow you on social media, read a relevant blog post, or directly lead them to your products or services to purchase.

8. Show the humans behind your company: Many About Us page examples I share don’t do this, and that’s A-OK. But if you’re up for it, adding more details about the people behind your company can help you forge a personal connection with your target audience. Show just the leaders or everyone — your call. And don’t be afraid to get a little creative!

9. Lots of photos: Visual elements will make your About Us page much more engaging and true to your personal story than a block of text. By visuals, I don't (just) mean bold photos of your product or you. Include pictures from the early days of your business to show the behind-the-scenes of your own story. It’ll help cement a personal connection and make your About Us page unforgettable.

“I’m supposed to add ALL THAT to my About Us page!?” I can hear you thinking. But remember: You don’t have to add all of it. Pick the elements that make the most sense for you right now. You can always update it as your business evolves and you get more time on your hands.

The About Us page examples I’ll share will have a mix of everything — you’ll find examples that have it all and some About Us page examples that just nail it with the bare bones.

Psst…did you know you can create your About Us page in mere minutes?

Look, saying ‘design an interactive web page for your About Us page’ is easy. But actually doing it? When you have hundreds of other urgent tasks that you need to do to pay the bills and run your business? Yeah, that ain’t easy. I get it. So, I have a shortcut for you.

Enter: Buffer’s Start Page. You can build a customizable landing page in minutes. All you have to do is:

1. Sign up to Buffer — for free!

2. Add blocks of text, images, videos, social links, and more in Buffer’s easy-to-use editor. Or use one of their About Us page templates if you don’t want to start from scratch.

3. Tinker and edit to create your desired layout — with brand colors, unique design, etc.

4. Hit “publish,” and you have a ready-to-use URL for your About Us page on social media profiles, email marketing campaigns, events, etc.

My favorite part? You can even schedule posts to go live on your Start Page like you can do with social media channels.

At the backend, you also get insights into your Start Page: page views, link clicks, popular URLs, and more. You can use these statistics to improve your About Us page and understand what clicks with your target audience.

Want to learn how other Buffer customers are using the Start Page? Read five examples of how small businesses are using it to create their Instagram link in bio.

10 of our favorite About Us page examples

Here’s a list of About Us page examples that you can use as inspiration to create your own. Some of them contain all the elements we talked of above, others are more minimalistic and geared to ignite immediate action from buyers.

Whatever stage you’re in, you find stitch together a page template by picking the sections that suit you and ignoring the ones that don’t.

1. Kat Boogard

Who is Kat Boogard: Kat Boogard is a freelance writer for companies in the ‘world of work’ space. She also coaches other freelancers to realize their dream of becoming self-employed.

Kat’s About Us page is a great example—one that’s been in my bookmark for years. It showcases her personal brand quite prominently yet remains light-hearted. You feel like you know her immediately.

What you should implement from this About Us page example: Most About Us page examples shy away from taking a stance. Kat’s does the exact opposite. It shows her values and thoughts regarding freelancing and her coaching practice. She lays down all her cards upfront. It’s something you can implement, too, to build instant trust with your potential customers.

Visit Kat Boogard’s About Us page.

2. The Vanilla Pod Bakery

What is The Vanilla Pod Bakery: The Vanilla Pod Bakery hand delivers luxurious wedding cakes, cupcakes, and birthday cakes across Cheltenham, the Cotswolds, and the UK.

The Vanilla Pod Bakery plugged in their Start Page to help social media followers take immediate action. Their Start Page is still true to their brand by using their own brand colors in the page design, a picture of the cake they have baked, and an introductory video.

What you should implement from this About Us page example: The Vanilla Pod Bakery is one of those About Us page examples that does social proof right. They’ve added a customer testimonial right above a ‘Order a cake testing box’ call to action. It works amazingly well to build trust and then immediately encourage a conversion.

Visit Vanilla Pod Bakery’s About Us page.

3. Kat Stickler

Who is Kat Sticker: Kat Stickler is a content creator with over 12 million followers. She usually posts entertaining content across Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

The main image in Kat’s About Us pops in bright red. It immediately catches your eye at first glance, and while the introduction is a bit dry in the third-person format, the image somehow manages to keep you engaged. There are separate sections (small ones) to show her media coverage before we lead up to my favorite bit.

What you should implement from this About Us page example: The Q+A with Kat is my favorite section of the page design. It’s striking because her answers show her value proposition. About Us page examples need a personal touch, too, which Kat nicely does with her answers and pictures of her daughter.

Visit Kat Sticker’s About Us page.

4. Huel

Who is Huel: Huel sells nutritionally rich, plant-based foods.

Huel uses Buffer’s Start Page to put their priority on the top (by reordering the links). I also love their dynamic images, which make for a wonderful user experience.

What you should implement from this About Us page example: Huel’s is one of the best examples of structure on the About Us page. Every About Us page needs to have separate sections, and Huel’s orders itself best. They put their utmost priority link at the top (ambassador sign-ups), followed by a list to shop their bestsellers. And if someone scrolled all this way and still hasn’t decided what to buy or check out, they have added their Huel quiz to help buyers find the right product for them. This is an A+ page template structure you can easily replicate.

Visit Huel’s About Us page.

5. icalm Health

What is icalm: icalm Health offers a ready-made drink to customers to silence the stress in their nervous system. It’s a natural stress relief shot.

I found icalm Health’s color scheme to be the most engaging and true-to-brand in this list of About Us page examples. They use bold colors with a calm undertone — which pairs nicely with their product.

What you should implement from this About Us page example: The company’s story is a standout in icalm Health’s About Us page. It puts a name to a face (good start!) and briefly tells us why the founder began the company. Struggle, emotion, grit — icalm Health packed a punch in a little wall of text.

Visit icalm’s About Us page.

6. Merchant Bros Koffie

What is Merchant Bros Koffie: Merchant Bros Koffie sells quality coffee, food, and cocktails in their bar café & space.

Merchant Bros Koffie uses the Start Page to quickly share what they do, their menu, options to order, map location, and a lot more. They pack a lot on a tiny About Us page and it still doesn’t get overwhelming.

What you should implement from this About Us page example: Merchant Bros Koffie’s brief company description is one of the best in all About Us page examples. It captures the company story and also tells the audience what they can expect.

Visit Merchant Bros Koffee’s About Us page.

7. Coop Sleep Goods

What is Coop Sleep Goods: Coop Sleep Goods is on a mission to help everyone sleep better by providing adjustable pillows and quality sleep products.

Coop Sleep Goods is one of those About Us page examples that makes you scratch your head searching for just one favorite aspect because there are so many. Everything from page design to a bold headline to brand story clicks just perfectly. They also plug their online store seamlessly.

What you should implement from this About Us page example: If I had to pick only one (and it was hard!), you should take inspiration from Coop Sleep Goods’ mission. They use one section for it with a clear & clever bold statement. They also showcase the why behind the company’s story and its products. It’s just…chef’s kiss.

Visit Coop Sleep Goods’ About Us page.

8. Non-GMO Project

What is Non-GMO Project: Non-GMO Project is a non-profit organization that wants to protect people’s right to know what’s in their food.

Non-GMO Project has Buffer’s Start Page doubling as one of its excellent About Us pages. They use it to share the latest content they’ve created and encourage social media followers to sign up for their newsletter.

What you should implement from this About Us page example: Non-GMO Project has one of those About Us page examples with a clear, powerful, and brief company description. It aces to show what they do and what their brand stands for.

Visit Non-GMO Project’s About Us page.

9. Pick Up Limes

What is Pick Up Limes: Pick Up Limes is the business name of the YouTube channel run by creator Sadia Badiei. She uses her channel and mobile app to share nutritional, accessible, and delicious plant-based recipes.

Sadia has worked hard on her About Us page, and it shows. It’s neat, minimalist, and full of things that make it hers — like the tiny plant illustration in the corner. The company’s history is also presented beautifully — with pictures accompanying all the milestones.

What you should implement from this About Us page example: I didn’t find many About Us page examples spotlighting the people and staff behind the company. Pick Up Limes does it exceptionally and creatively — they have a section dedicated to showing the people behind the company. But my favorite part is when you hover over someone’s photo, it flips to their baby picture! What a nice and humane touch. Mitra’s picture is my absolute favorite.

Visit Pick Up Limes’ About Us page.

10. Buffer

What is Buffer: Buffer helps creators and small businesses grow their audience on social media organically via their social media management software.

Hey, that’s us! Pardon me if this comes across as tooting our own horn, but I’d say Buffer’s very own About Us page is pretty amazing. The entire page design is simple, elegant, and engaging. There are photos to show the humans behind the company and the company’s history. The written content has our brand voice jumping across from the page — it shows what’s uniquely us.

What you should implement from this About Us page example: The entire page is divided into various sections, but my favorite is the mini transparency dashboard. Since transparency is one of the core values at the Buffer company, the About Us page immediately stands up to it by showcasing our business numbers.

Visit Buffer’s About Us page.

About Pages are all about building trust and bonding with your audience

The above About Page examples work well because they focus on sharing their story to build trust and rapport with their audience. Whether you build your current and future About Us pages from scratch or page templates, remember the intent is to always keep the focus on parts of your company’s story that your audience would like to read.

Even with a page dedicated to you, the goal is bonding with your audience as small businesses. What key points would they like to know? Would they be interested in learning about your company culture and brand values? Or would the exact story of your business resonate more?

Keep yourself in your audience’s shoes, use the above About Us page examples for inspiration, and start building your own!

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