What We’re Listening To: 57 Podcasts Recommended by the Buffer Team and Audience

Former Director of People @ Buffer
Check out our new podcast!
Hey there, podcast fans! We recently launched a new podcast of our very own, Buffer CultureLab!

We’d love for you to check it out and share any thoughts, feedback or ideas with us! You can listen on iTunes here or Google Play here. :) OK, now back to the post!
We’ve talked a lot about podcasts at Buffer. We’ve shared some top marketing podcasts. We’ve talked about podcasting tools. We’ve even provided a blueprint for starting your own podcast.
But one thing we haven’t done is share the podcasts that we love to listen to. Which we’re going to remedy right now, because there are a ton of amazing ones I’ve only recently discovered from my teammates.
(P.S. For any Dr. Whovians, our very own Adam hosts a great podcast, Bad Wolf Radio!)
If you’re looking for a great listen, here are 46 podcasts that the Buffer team personally vouches for (+11 great ones nominated by our readers!).

Use the Table of Contents below to scroll to the areas that interest you most (or collapse it if you wanna see everything!)
The gold standard podcasts
You might have heard of these—in fact, you likely have. But no list would be complete without them.

1. Serial
Tagline: One story. Told week by week.
Nominated by: Many teammates
Many of us, like the rest of the world, are hooked on this series that dives deep into unsolved (or possibly incorrectly solved?) crime mysteries, hosted by Sarah Koenig. A podcast from the creators of This American Life.

2. This American Life
Tagline: Each week we choose a theme, and bring you different stories on that theme.
Nominated by: Stephanie and Arielle

3. TED Radio Hour
Tagline: A journey through fascinating ideas: astonishing inventions, fresh approaches to old problems, new ways to think and create.
Nominated by: Stephanie and Arielle

4. Radiolab
Tagline: Weaving stories and science into sound and music-rich documentaries
Nominated by: Marcus S.

5. Planet Money
Tagline: Money makes the world go around, faster and faster every day. On NPR’s Planet Money, you’ll meet high rollers, brainy economists and regular folks — all trying to make sense of our rapidly changing global economy.
Nominated by: Michael
Entrepreneurship/startup podcasts

Stacking the Bricks
Tagline: We’re here to share the real stories of today’s business bootstrappers
Nominated by: Tyler
Biz Chix

Tagline: A nest for multi-passionate entrepreneurs
Nominated by: Darcy

The Fizzle Show
Tagline: a podcast for creative entrepreneurs and honest business builders who want to earn a living doing something they care about.
Nominated by: Hailley

Being Boss
Tagline: A podcast for creative entrepreneurs
Nominated by: Hailley

Seeking Wisdom with David Cancel
Tagline: Once a week, David Cancel and Dave Gerhardt share lessons to help you accelerate your learning.
Nominated by: Joel
Marketing podcasts

Marketing Over Coffee
Tagline: At the intersection of marketing and technology
Nominated by: Brian. “They cover super relevant topics in marketing and focus on data stuff too. Really actionable stuff in that one”

Online Marketing Made Easy
Tagline: By Amy Porterfield: Entrepreneur, Social Media Marketing Strategist, and Online Marketer
Nominated by: Darcy

Call to Action
Tagline: series of remarkable online marketing success stories and fails straight from the Unbounce blog
Nominated by: Marcus S.

Duct Tape Marketing Podcast
Nominated by: Brian. “John is an old pro and actually sounds like he studies his guests’ work prior to having them on the show and asks some ‘deep cut’ questions.”
Being smarter and better

You Are Not So Smart
Tagline: A celebration of self-delusion
Nominated by: Pioul

Stuff You Should Know
Tagline: How do landfills work? How do mosquitos work? Join Josh and Chuck as they explore the Stuff You Should Know about everything from genes to the Galapagos
Nominated by: Marcus S.

The Tim Ferris Show
Tagline: Each episode, I deconstruct world-class performers from eclectic areas (investing, sports, business, art, etc.) to extract the tactics and tools you can use.
Nominated by: Joel
Economics and statistics

Freakonomics Radio
Tagline: After just a few episodes, this podcast will have you too thinking like a Freak.
Nominated by: Julian, Marcus S.

Not So Standard Deviations
Tagline: The data science podcast (hosted by Roger Peng of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Hilary Parker of Etsy).
Nominated by: Michael
Internet culture

Reply All
Tagline: A show about the internet
Nominated by: Stephanie, Juliet (who shared the episode Raising the Bar, with us and started a great conversation around inclusivity!)

Tagline: Discusses trends, news, and the future of a world being shaped by technology, especially as ‘software eats the world’.
Nominated by: Pioul, Sunil (who likes this one in particular)
Design, development and tech

Design Details
Tagline: A twice-weekly show about the people who create our favorite products
Nominated by: Joel and Mike

The Freelancer
Tagline: A short, weekly podcast for designers, writers & developers looking to up their business game.
Nominated by: Hailley

Product Hunt Radio
Tagline: A podcast for those that love to geek out about products
Nominated by: Marc Anthony. Tech News Today + Product Hunt are becoming some regulars for me!

Tech News Today (This Week in Tech)
Tagline: We read the manual so you don’t have to.
Nominated by: Christina. “This Week in Tech and This Week in Google are great for keeping up to date with tech news”

This Week in Google
Tagline: Leo Laporte, Jeff Jarvis, and their guests talk about the latest Google and cloud computing news.
Nominated by: Christina.
More meaningful living

Motivating Mom Podcast
Tagline: Giving women the strength for motherhood
Nominated by: Darcy

On Being
Tagline: takes up the big questions of meaning with scientists and theologians, artists and teachers
Nominated by: Stephanie

Magic Lessons
Tagline: Road maps for the path to creativity, the extra nudge you need when you’re feeling stuck.
Nominated by: Hailley, Amy (Side note: Lots of us read Big Magic before our last retreat in Hawaii and had a fun book club to discuss it; highly recommended!)

The Good Life Project
Tagline: In-depth, unscripted, deeply-inspiring conversations and insights from acclaimed artists, entrepreneurs, makers and world-shakers.
Nominated by: Juliet

The Chalene Show
Tagline: Motivation | Leadership | Confidence | Family | Fitness and Life coaching
Nominated by: Darcy
Science and history

Hardcore History
Tagline: Hardcore History discusses the issues and questions history fans love.
Nominated by: Roy. “I can never get enough of Hardcore History. Waiting months for new episodes is agonizing, but the day I see a new episode is quite literally my best day of that week!”

History on Fire
Tagline: Where history and epic collide
Nominated by: Roy (his backup favorite after Hardcore History)

StarTalk Radio Show
Tagline: a podcast on space, science, and popular culture hosted by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson
Nominated by: Dan, in particular this one with guest Bill Clinton
Pop culture and fun

Another Round
Tagline: Heben Nigatu and Tracy Clayton cover everything from race, gender and pop culture to squirrels, mangoes, and bad jokes, all in one boozy podcast.
Nominated by: Courtney, especially this one with past Bufferchat guest Anil Dash!

Call Your Girlfriend
Tagline: A podcast for long-distance besties everywhere
Nominated by: Amy and Courtney (also highly recommend Ann Friedman’s newsletter!)

Can I Pet Your Dog?
Tagline: Dog owner Allegra Ringo, dog wanter Renee Colvert, and producer Travis McElroy talk to guests about their dogs, discuss dogs they met this week, and brief you on dogs news.
Nominated by: Courtney

Podcast Unlocked
Tagline: IGN’s weekly Xbox podcast
Nominated by: Jordan (love my video games!)

Judge John Hodgman
Tagline: Have your pressing issues decided by Famous Minor Television Personality John Hodgman, Certified Judge.
Nominated by: Courtney

Mystery Show
Tagline: A podcast where Starlee Kine solves mysteries.
Nominated by: Amy, Bonnie “I love Mystery Show! In the episode about Britney Spears the host has a really meaningful and deep conversation with a ticketmaster customer service agent – made me think of the awesome Happiness Heroes.”

Tagline: A storytelling series where adults share the embarrassing things they created as kids– diaries, letters, lyrics & beyond– in front of total strangers.
Nominated by: Bonnie. “I’ve really enjoyed listening to Mortified for awkwardness and humor after listening to something ‘heavy’ like Serial or Sword and Scale.”

Comic Book Junto
Nominated by: Kelly. “I have been jamming out to Comic Book Junto lately (it’s a friend’s podcast about all things geek culture)”

No Effects with Jesse Cohen
Tagline: A podcast featuring conversations with musicians, from one of the people who who brought you Tanlines the band.
Nominated by: Dan

Song Exploder
Tagline: A podcast where musicians take apart their songs, and piece by piece, tell the story of how they were made.
Nominated by: Marcus S.

Men in Blazers
Tagline: We discuss football. And wear blazers. Usually at the same time.
Nominated by: Julian

Football Ramble
Tagline: The most entertaining voice in football
Nominated by: Roy
Plus 11 podcasts nominated by our readers!
Comments on Buffer blog posts are such a great resource! In a post where we shared some favorite marketing podcasts, our amazing audience shared even more podcast goodness! Here are some of their top recommendations (and additional comments, when they shared them):
- Ask Gary Vee by Gary Vaynerchuk
- This Old Marketing with Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose from the Content Marketing Institute
- The Read to Lead Podcast with Jeff Brown
- The Zero to Scale podcast with Justin McGill & Greg Hickman is phenomenal. Both guys are bootstrapping startups and sharing everything along the way.
- I’m also loving The Growth Show from Hubspot
- Todd Wheatland’s podcast, The Pivot: Marketing Backstories
- 1DayBB with the lesson that we all need to get out of our own heads and businesses, and have someone else look inside our business in order to grow;
- Mixergy with the lesson that no one starts out successful, and the journey to success must create many ways around bumps and roadblocks; and
- The Model Health Show with the lesson that health is not simply fitness and food…it’s also mindset.
- Todd Henry’s Accidental Creative: Not technically a marketing podcast, but he has a lot of the same guests that float around and comes at his interviews in very interesting ways.
- Brian Koppelman’s The Moment: He seems to always get to a ‘Barbara Walters’ moment with his guests (from Tony Robbins to Tim Ferriss to Bill Hader to Amy Schumer). He’s a screenwriter who interviews ‘people who deeply interest’ him. It shines through.
Over to you!
It would be awesome to keep this mega-list growing! Which podcasts have we forgotten? What under-the-radar gems or up-and-coming shows would you add to our list? Please share your picks in the comments!
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