Social Media Marketing - Page 22

A collection of posts on Social Media Marketing

Building Your Social Media Strategy for the New Year

Social media expert Rebekah Radice joined us for Bufferchat to look back at social media trends in 2014 and look ahead for the best tips for your 2015 strategy. Check out the full Storify recap here! Why is a social media strategy important? From Rebekah: * A social media strategy allows you to be intentional and strategic, giving you focus and purpose. * Strategy m

10 of Social Media Marketing’s Most Frequently Asked Questions

When it comes to hearing great social media advice, I seem to have a bit of a preference: I quite enjoy finding the advice that fits my questions specifically. And wouldn’t you know, my questions are likely to be different than your questions and yours different than the next person’s. Social media is a brilliant puzzle to solve, and we often seem to be working on different parts of the picture. So what are social media’s biggest questions? To find out, we asked. We solicited feedback and qu

The Science of Building a Strong, Lasting Community on Social Media

How do your interactions differ between the online world and the offline? Away from the computer, we may have a better feeling on how to interact with one another and build relationships. Online? It’s a bit of a different world. As a distributed team at Buffer—meaning we all work from wherever we’re happiest—our interactions together and our relationships with one another take place online. The same goes for many of the connections we make on social media. So it seems worthwhile to have a bet

The 10 Latest & Greatest Social Media Strategies to Boost Your Results and Save You Time

I’m constantly amazed and inspired by the way that others go about experimenting, testing, and trying out new methods to get more value out of their social media marketing. Constant testing is something we love to do at Buffer. So I’m always keen to hear about new tests to try. There’s no shortage of intriguing new social media strategies. I’m excited to share 10 of the latest ones I’ve been interested to try here at Buffer. Do you think these might work for you and your social media marketin

17 Quick Wins to Boost Your Social Media Marketing Right Away

When I set up a daily to-do list, I often have a spectrum of tasks that need to get done. There are the big projects that figure to take multiple days to complete. There are medium-sized tasks that will require some long stretches of intense focus. Then there are the quick wins. I love the quick wins. These are the tasks that can be done in a matter of minutes. They’re super fast fixes or experiments that take little time but pay off with big dividends. And wouldn’t you know, quick wins are e

30+ Ultimate Headline Formulas for Tweets, Posts, Articles, and Emails

A headline can serve either as an apple pie on the windowsill of your content or as its bouncer. It’s all in the way you phrase things. Fortunately for us, many people have found headlines that work wonders, consistently, time after time. And they go well beyond the saturated listicle or clickbait. Why not take some inspiration from the best headlines of the best headline writers? The blueprints exist to get your tweets, emails, updates, and articles clicked. I collected a trove of interesti

How to Take a Social Media Vacation: The Complete Guide to Pausing, Leaving, or Taking a Break From Social Media

There comes a point in my afternoons or evenings where I’ve just about sapped all the creativity and efficiency I’ve got. I need a break. My mind and my body—and oftentimes, my writing—make it quite clear. Do we ever get the same clues when we need a break from social media? Certainly, the subject seems a bit taboo to discuss. We’re social media marketers, after all! Taking a break from social media seems almost sacrilegious, yet I wonder how many of us have had those thoughts or feelings befo

Social Media Strategy: How Much Time Does a Good Strategy Really Take?

I have a blog post to write. This blog post, to be exact. And in the course of researching, outlining, writing, editing, and writing some more, I also have other hats to wear. Email marketing. Social media strategy. Blog promotion, blog design, and anything else that should happen across my plate. I’m sure you wear a lot of hats, too. How do you find time to put them all on? One of my tasks that I’m currently optimizing is implementing a social media strategy at Buffer. In the midst of writi

The Simple Blueprint for Social Media Monitoring: 10 Unique Insights to Look For

One of the most fascinating things about social media is its ability to clue you in to things that you might otherwise have had no idea even existed—there are tons of conversations, communities, articles and so much more just waiting to be discovered online. The trick is: How do you find all of the information online that’s relevant to you and your interests and bring it back in such a way that you can make use of it all? The answer, for many brands and individuals, is social media monitoring.

Instagram for Business: 12 Answers to the Biggest Questions About Timing, Hashtags, and More

How do you choose which social media networks to participate in? Certainly, there’re a ton to choose from. Are you on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn? Are you on Pinterest and Tumblr? Instagram and Vine? How many social media networks can you handle? Instagram makes a strong case, if you’re interested in raw numbers and unique appeal. Instagram has 200 million active users and provides a huge asset for visual content, which we all know is driving social like none other. It’s one of t

11 Social Media Conferences Every Marketer Should Know for 2014

Having a job in social media is sort of weird. There are still lots of people who might think you’re just “on Facebook” all day while in reality you’ve got a big job: figuring out your social media strategy, perfecting the right times to post, understanding your analytics and building strong connections with your community. That’s why it’s nice to be able to take some time to connect with others who have the same challenges as you. Luckily, there are lots of great social media conferences wort

Why You Should Share Your Blog Post More Than Once on Social Media: The Case for Reposting Content

Reposting the same content on social media can be quite a controversial topic. Some people don’t like it at all, while others advocate it strongly. For Buffer’s social media accounts, we regularly do this. We found this to work surprisingly well and thought it might be interesting to explore the topic in a more analytical way. Here is some interesting data around republishing your content multiple times on social media. Simply looking at the latest social media stats, there seems to be good ca

From 0 to 1,000,000 users: The Journey and Statistics of Buffer

Wow! We couldn’t believe it. With all of you on board, we’ve hit the milestone we didn’t even dream about when starting Buffer: 1,000,000 people have signed up for Buffer as of today. We thought, what an incredible opportunity to reflect on the journey up until this point. To breakdown some of the core numbers about Buffer, take a look at the infographic below: Along the way to reach 1m users a lot has happened for us. Here is a brief review of the last 2.5 years: The journey to the 1 millio

6 Reasons To Get Up And Attend Offline Twitter Meetups

Yes, I admit it. For a long time, I couldn’t imagine the thought of meeting someone that I only met online. However I believe that things have changed considerably over last few years and it has actually become one of the most natural things for me to do. With last weeks BlogWorld expo happening and also our weekly Buffer meetup here in San Francisco, I found that meeting people offline can have a lot of benefits to you. So here are 6 reasons why it

20 Great People That Taught Me The Power Of Twitter

There are so many people who continue to support and shout for us wherever we go on the internet. This is just amazing! So I thought, it’s time to give back. The thing is, it’s not just that they are supporting us, they are actually teaching us, what it really means to create a lasting presence on Twitter. I tried to think hard about what that one thing is I appreciate the most, that I want to tell you about them So here are the top 25 people that continue to teach and remind me, what it means

The Great Twitter Automation Debate

Two great Twitter heavyweights had a detailed conversation over Twitter a few hours ago about the purpose of Twitter, and where automation fits in. The way Scott Stratten (@Unmarketing) sees Twitter is for real-time conversation: However, for Michael Gray (@GrayWolf), Twitter can be more efficient: By carrying on a live conversation, both showed they valued Twitter as a communication platform, but they differed over to what degree. And, boy, did they differ! More Than One Way To Communica

5 Misunderstood Great Benefits Of Twitter

Imagine you were alive hundreds of years ago, and wanted to meet the world’s greatest thinkers and hear their thoughts. If you were independently wealthy, you could devote your life to traveling the world and finding those wise men and women, talking to them and listening to them. But it would’ve taken you your whole lifetime. Today, thanks to Twitter, you can find the thoughts of many of the world’s greatest thinkers in art, business, politics, technology – almost any area of human achieveme

6 Crazy Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Twitter Support

Twitter problems can be very frustrating. There are far too many of them, far too often, and it’s unclear what you can do to get help. Many people start by asking their friends if they know what is going on, or what can be done. But the craziest thing of all is that some things about Twitter support are exactly the opposite of what you’d expect! I’m in my fifth year on Twitter now, and here are some of the crazy things I’ve discovered: 1. Don’t Send A Tweet If You Want Help. 2. The More Ti

Infographics: Building Your Twitter Reputation

Where do Twitter reputations come from? How can you build yours? You build your reputation through activity on Twitter—what you say and do. And by listening to feedback and paying attention to results to improve what you do. The Basics of Your Twitter Reputation Over time, you can keep refining every part of building your reputation to get better and better. For example, I recently updated the bio in my profile. Setting up your Twitter profile is the first step in creating a reputation. Then

8 Secrets To Use Twitter For SEO From @RandFish

So, let me share the very first secret with you. I have nearly no insight or idea how SEO works at all. Whilst we have some insights into Single Grain last week, to speak about SEO for Buffer, they already blew my mind. Recently, there was a fantastic video from Rand Fishkin explaining how Twitter can be used very directly to build up links and use it for SEO. Surprisingly, they are very straight forward to use and I have given an example for each one below. 1.) How Serendipitous Conne

6 Bizarre and Unusual Tweets That Generated Lots Of Money Unexpectedly

The tweets in these stories have collectively and completely unpredictably brought in millions of dollars. Stories range from the near-insane to the heartwarming; in one case, most of the money raised was in just 11 cent increments! But in every case, the result was an unexpectedly colossal success. We’ll cover pigs, losers, and some notes that turned into millions, before moving onto some heartwarming and unusually successful Twitter tales. To begin, let’s take the case of “Dear Internet: Yo

The Top 4 Challenges of Following Everyone Who Follows You On Twitter

Ever notice how some people will follow back anyone that follows them first? It might have got you thinking: “If I did that, wouldn’t I get more followers?” Yes, sometimes you will. But once you become known as a “followbacker” (rightly or wrongly) it’s unlikely that the right kind of people will begin following you. And that’s not the only downside of this dangerous tactic. Here are the four worst things that can happen to you if follow back everyone that follows you: 4. Your DM spam cou

Is Empire Avenue Today Like The Early Twitter?

Last week Robert Scoble sent us an email, addressed to all his shareholders on Empire Avenue. What struck me was this very early and spot-on analysis of this newbie in the world of Social Media. Although the site has been around for about 1,5 years it is just now that it is gaining an insane amount of traction. You have probably noticed this. Robert pointed out that we shouldn’t forget that after all it will always be real value that persists in the online world. A game gets old – Is there r

5 Reasons Twitter makes you a better person

It was something I have asked myself a lot recently: Can a Social Media Tool, as powerful as Twitter might be really help you with personal development and make you a better person? The short answer I concluded: Yes, it most certainly can. Here are 5 reasons that make me think it does: 1.) Everything is public – Being nasty can backlash. Twitter’s openness is the first and foremost reason I believe it makes as better and nicer people to converse with. We can develop a manner of appearance wh