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What You Need To Know About Building A Career In Social Media (No Toxicity, Expert Advice Edition)
What You Need To Know About Building A Career In Social Media (No Toxicity, Expert Advice Edition)

Social media is often glamorized, especially in the media — but what does it really take to kick off a career? Here’s everything you need to know about how to become a social media manager.

The Social Media Manager’s Daily, Weekly, Monthly Checklist
The Social Media Manager’s Daily, Weekly, Monthly Checklist

A complete list of social media tasks and projects, placed onto a downloadable checklist for daily, weekly, monthly schedules.

A Day in the Life of a Social Media Manager: How to Spend Time on Social Media in 2017
A Day in the Life of a Social Media Manager: How to Spend Time on Social Media in 2017

See how a typical social media manager keeps a schedule and follows a checklist to achieve the many different tasks and to-dos of a typical workday

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