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30+ Ultimate Headline Formulas for Tweets, Posts, Articles, and Emails
30+ Ultimate Headline Formulas for Tweets, Posts, Articles, and Emails

A full list of headline formulas used by the pros - the best templates to follow to get your headlines clicked on social media, blogposts, emails, and more

189 Powerful Words That Convert: Write Copy That Gets Your Customer’s Attention Every Time
189 Powerful Words That Convert: Write Copy That Gets Your Customer’s Attention Every Time

Over 150 phrases and words that convert, as chosen by research studies, advertising legends, and psychology tests.

The Art of Copywriting: How to Write Better Captions that Get Engagement
The Art of Copywriting: How to Write Better Captions that Get Engagement

Effective copywriting is the ability to tell a compelling story in a way that evokes strong emotions within your audience and readers.

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