Why Startups Are So Hard, The Future of Buffer and My Biggest Mistake (So Far!): Tweets From My Airplane AMA

On a recent flight to Hawaii, I tried a little experiment and did an “AMA in the Sky.”

It was incredibly fun and kept me busy for about 2.5 hours, nicely passing some of the flight time.

I think I ended up answering over 50 questions or thereabouts, about topics including why startups are so challenging, the pros and cons of working remotely and what’s next for Buffer. (Hint: Instagram!)

Here is a sample of the questions and answers. If you’re interested in more, you can see the full thread on Twitter.

[View the story “Airplane AMA with Joel Gascoigne of Buffer” on Storify]

Do you have other questions I didn’t address here? Share them in the comments and I’ll do my best to get you an answer!