How to Live Your Passion and Love What You Do: Advice from Career Coach DJ Waldow

Director of People @ Buffer
Speaker, podcaster and career coach DJ Waldow recently joined us for #bufferchat to discuss living your passion.
See the full Storify recap here.
What does it mean to live your passion?
From DJ:
- “Living your passion: Do What You Love | Love What You Do – This@ugmonk t says it all:“

- “If you are LIVING YOUR PASSION (or know someone who is) I’d love to have you on my podcast “
Other great insights:
- “Living your passion is doing something you love, that you don’t consider a job. You want to wake and be excited!” @inboxtheapp
- “Living your passion means getting paid but never working a day in your life.” @JoshStAubin
- “You are living your passion when the best of you is surfaced. When you are the happiest and your work reflects that” @Christine_Chen6
- “Living your passion means discovering your purpose & embracing it fully.” @susancross1
- “Feeling like there’s nothing else you could or ever would do—including and especially on tough days. That’s passion.” @ChristinKardos
- “Passion is for the things that make you LIVE.” @TheNameisCasie
How do you find what your passion or calling is?

From DJ:
- “Try new things. What do you keep coming back to? What is the common thread that has been present in all jobs?”
- “Finding your true passion—What do you do in your free time? What gets you JAZZED? What drives you batty? WRITE IT DOWN!”
Other great insights:
- “Starting to believe it just comes to you. It’s all about being open to change, trying new things, and acting on ideas.” @ShannnonB
- “It finds you, and it will find your over and over till you pay attention if you ignore it.” @kymberlaine
- “Found my true passion/calling the old fashioned ways: 1-using Myers-Briggs & 2-my hobbies and extra-curric activ.” @harrisonia
- “Ultimately, though, whatever feels ‘right’ or ‘natural’ often leads to your passion.” @CBarrows
- “Trust your gut and what makes you happy. Try many different things if need be. Never say no to an opportunity.” @jenna_wb
- “I think it’s much like social media marketing. Constantly test, experiment, don’t stand still, and listen.” @LifeofRileyNYC
How can you help others live their passion?
From DJ:
- “Help others live their passion? Encourage. Hold them accountable. Dare I say, COACH them (or hire a career transition coach)”
Other great insights:
- “Promote people’s strengths.” @HireQ_Inc
- “You can actually support one another by looking at what you love & what you are great at. Then support each other.” @GailDavvis
- “Leading by example. Live YOUR passion and people will get inspired!” @daniel3ub
- “I think @ZigZiglar hit this when he said, help other people get what they want and you will have everything you want” @TheJonMartin
- “The best way to help others is to be an example yourself. “Put your oxygen mask on before helping others with theirs”.” @camerondare
- “My Social & Life Philosophy is simple.. #ShowUcare Nobody will say you care too much!” @iSocialFanz
- “I love all the answers to Q4 that are around setting an example. So true that enthusiasm and courage are both contagious.” @christinkardos
Where do you go for inspiration and encouragement in your own passion?
From DJ:
- “Where do I go for encouragement & inspiration? Family. Wife. Circle of Trust. Therapist <–everyone needs one!”
- “Inspiration – Get off social media. Meet people face to face. Leave your phone/laptop/device at home!”
Other great insights:
- “Nothing beats time alone, time with my dogs, or time on my horse in the mountains. It helps me refocus when needed.” @kontheinternet
- “For encouragement in my own passion I go to The Mr and a select group of trusted friends.” @YouTooCanBeGuru
- “Plus, setting up regular coffee meetings with people. That’s quite energizing and often very creative!” @swoodruff
- “I find @JerrySeinfeld‘s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee to be inspirational and fun.” @ErikJFisher
- “I’m open to all flavors of inspiration. Truly – it can come from anywhere! Bust out of that comfort zone and explore. BE OPEN.” @madisonjonesHR
- “TED Talks. So many TED Talks inspire and stretch my brain” @sethhinz
What books do you find inspiring or motiving?
- Power of Flow by Charlene Belitz
- The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything by Ken Robinson
- Everybody Writes by Ann Handley
- The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
- Outliers by Seth Godin
- Drive by Daniel Pink
- Happiness of Pursuit by Chris Guillebeau
- Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath
- Start with Why by Simon Sinek
- Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
- Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown
- The One Thing by Gary Keller
- Secrets of Closing the Sale by Zig Ziglar
- Amazing Things Will Happen by CC Chapman
- Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
- The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
- Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne
- Live the Life You Love by Barbara Sher
- Act like a Success by Steve Harvey
- The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
- Oh The Places You’ll Go by Dr. Suess
- Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
- The Four-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss
- The Art of Nonconformity by Chris Guillebeau
- Make Ideas Happen by Scott Belsky
- Design is a Job by Mike Montiero
- The Power of Unpopular by Erika Napo
- Quitter by Jon Acuff
- Start by Jon Acuff
- Platform by Michael Hyatt
- Moment Maker
- The Joke by Milan Kundera
- A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Don Miller
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
- On Writing by Steven King
- Die Empty by Todd Henry
- The Power of Starting Something Stupid by Richie Norton
- Switch: How to Change, When Change is Hard by Chip and Dan Heath
- The End of Print by David Carson
- The Dip by Seth Godin
- #GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso
- Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach
- Selling the Invisible by Harry Beckwith
- The Google Story by David Vise
- One Click by Richard Brandt
- The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff
- Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts
- Return on Relationship by Ted Rubin
- Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki
- Emotional Intelligence by Dan Goleman
- Analysis without Paralysis by B Bensoussan
- Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vee
- The Big Moo by Seth Godin
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T Kiyosaki
- How Google Works by Eric Schmidt
- The Doodle Revolution by Sunni Brown
- Let it Go by Pat Flynn
- Eleven Rings by Phil Jackson
- The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal
- Failing Forward by John C Maxwell
- Thrive by Ariana Huffington
- How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier by Robert Emmons
Thank you to everyone who participated! Join us each Wednesday at 9 am Pacific/noon Eastern for #Bufferchat!
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