Cloudbleed Update: Buffer Data Is Not Affected

tl;dr – Customers should not worry about their Buffer data after the Cloudbleed incident

Several hours ago our team learned of a large security incident at Cloudflare, a service we use for Buffer. The incident, which you may have heard about, has been nicknamed “Cloudbleed.” Many websites, including Buffer, use Cloudflare to help handle web traffic more quickly and efficiently amongst many other things. Cloudflare has contacted us to share that Buffer is not one of the websites that they have discovered leaked data for.

After news like this, it’s a great opportunity to reflect on security and passwords in general. We take security seriously at Buffer and would like to share some helpful account security tips:

  • Cycle your passwords every few months – Use a password manager like 1password or LastPass to make keeping track everything easier. ?
  • Use strong, unique passwords – Avoid sharing passwords across multiple websites. Password managers can also help generate random, strong passwords. ? Vox recently created an awesome video explainer about this topic.
  • Use two factor authentication when available – Using 2FA is an amazing way to add an extra layer of security to any account.

Feeling motivated to update your password or setup 2FA (aka 2-Step Login) on Buffer today? You can do that here. If you’re curious to read more about Cloudflare’s issue itself, check out their blog post.

Have a safe and secure weekend! ?