Why This Successful Solopreneur Uses Facebook Groups to Grow His Business – Daniel DiPiazza [SSM011]

Oct 17, 2016 5 min readPodcasts
Photo of Hailley Griffis
Hailley Griffis

Head of Communications & Content @ Buffer

How many Facebook Groups have you joined that you don’t check regularly? If you’re like me, that number might be quite high!

Imagine my surprise when I joined the Rich20Something Facebook Group and was constantly excited to see all of the new, value-packed content being shared by both the founder, Daniel Di Piazza, and all of the other group members (now nearly 15,000.)

After years of following his work, I had the pleasure of chatting with Daniel about his best practices for building a truly engaging Facebook Group and community that stands out from the rest.

A huge thank you to Daniel for jam-packing this episode with actionable wisdom and takeaways for social media managers and marketers looking for new and exciting ways to think in terms of Facebook Group marketing.

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In this episode, here’s what you’ll learn:

Daniel Di Piazza walks us through how he grew his Facebook Group, Rich20Something, to nearly 15,000 people and a place where there is constant conversation and ideas being shared. Daniel talks over his top tips and some tactics that can’t be scaled, but shouldn’t be overlooked. You’ll also learn great things like:

  • What tactics Daniel suggests for kicking off a brand new Facebook Group
  • How Daniel manages his own Facebook Group and content calendar
  • What tools he suggests using within Facebook to make the Group even more powerful
  • How video can have a major impact on Facebook Groups and engagement

3 Ways To Build A Strong Community in a Facebook Group from Daniel

In Daniel’s words…

1. Roll Out the Red Carpet

If you’re looking for ways to create a really engaged community, roll out the red carpet for them. You can do things like personally welcome everyone to the group as they join. You can also do things like wish every single one of the group members a Happy Birthday when the notification comes up in your Facebook notifications.

2. Keep Consistency with Your Posts

You don’t need to have a set of content like “Monday Motivation” or “Tuesday this or that,” but you should be posting every single day. Especially in social media and on Facebook there’s so much content out there and the way the algorithm is set up you have to be putting out more stuff. Because the News Feed will eventually push that content down.

3. Appreciate Everyone You Have and Know it’s a Long Game

Appreciate everyone that you have and know that it’s a long game. And so just because they’re in your group now it doesn’t mean they have to buy now. It might be a period of months or years before they do and that’s OK because you’re building a relationship. And remember to be grateful that people are giving you their time because everyone is trying to get their attention.

Mentionable Quotes and Shareable Snippets

Daniel DiPiazza Interview Quote

“You need both. You need to have some quick growth hack strategies and you need to have a long game. But the long game is far more important and if you do it right you don’t need to have a lot of people to make a big impact. That’s what it going to carry you forward and keep you from being another flash in the pan.”

Show Notes and Other Memorable Moments

Thanks a million for checking out this episode! Below are the websites and other tidbits that were mentioned in today’s podcast about creating incredible Facebook communities using groups. If you have any questions for us, feel free to drop us a line in the comments and we’ll respond right away!

Awesome Companies, People and Tools Mentioned by Daniel

Great Quotes

  • “Email is great, but we know that email is crowded – very crowded. And we also know that email causes anxiety to a certain extent… And with Facebook Pages they’ve made it pay to play. So I thought, ‘What’s the next best way?’ Facebook is already doing all of the work to make people coming back to their platform and so my little corner of the world might as well be there as well. I made a hard push to make the Facebook Group one of the first things that people saw when they interacted with me.”
  • “I’m bringing back an old thing called Facebook Notes. Facebook Notes were really big in 2008-2009, but now no one uses them. But they continue to update this app within Facebook. It’s amazing! I know they’re going to be around for a while because Mark Zuckerberg uses them. Now that doesn’t guarantee it, but it’s a pretty good sign.”
  • “When it comes to content that works on Facebook, I found that a couple of things work the best. One is emotional and personal posts do really well. When you’re real and honest with people. In terms of likes and shares, video is killing it right now. Especially Live video. They want users to do more of that and so you’re seeing more Live video pop up in your stream.”
  • “I purposely create conversations all day on Facebook and I pretty much respond to everything. I do miss some for sure, but even if it’s something as small as an “awesome” or a ‘Like’ – That totally makes a huge difference.”

How to Say Hello to Daniel (and us)

Daniel is on Twitter and Instagram as @Rich20Something and you can read more about Daniel’s work on the Rich20Something website.

Thanks for listening! We’d love to connect with you at @buffer on Twitter or with the hashtag #bufferpodcast.

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About the Show

The Science of Social Media is a podcast for marketers and social media managers looking for inspiration, ideas, and results for their social media strategies. Each week, we interview one of the very best in social media marketing from brands in every industry. You will learn the latest tactics on social media, the best tools to use, the smartest workflows, and the best goal-setting advice. It is our hope that each episode you’ll find one or two gems to use with your social media marketing!

The Science of Social Media is proudly made by the Buffer team. Feel free to get in touch with us for any thoughts, ideas, or feedback.

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