Mridu Khullar Relph

Mridu Khullar Relph

A collection of 6 posts

Content MarketingSep 16, 2015
How to Promote Every Piece of Content You Create (in Less Than an Hour a Day!)

Back in the old days of the Internet – that is, the late 90’s and early 2000’s – “build it and they will come” was a fantastic strategy. There were fewer people either building or visiting websites, and therefore, if you did create a website, newsletter, or e-course, it was almost a given that people interested in you would find you. It’s how I built my first business. I built it. They came. Today, that is no longer the case. You’re competing not only with people who offer similar content, bu

Guides & CoursesSep 8, 2015
The Smart Marketer’s Guide to Choosing a Social Media Niche: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding, Analyzing, and Testing The Best Platform For Your Business

You’ve read all the articles and social media blogs, and you’ve heard that you should be on Twitter, you need to be on Facebook, and you’re losing out if you’re not on Pinterest. Is that truly the case? Turns out, most social media experts believe in prudence: that you might miss out on connecting with your true audience if you’re spreading yourself too thin on too many social networks. But who is your true audience? How do you get to know them? Where are they hanging out? How can you find

These 6 Types of Content Will Boost Your Traffic and Engagement. Here’s How to Do Them Right

How can you create content with the most efficiency and ease? Are you challenging yourself to come up with new ideas and new ways of imparting information about your business? Are you experimenting with the different forms of content that your customers may like to read? We’d love to help you get there. The 2015 edition of the annual B2C Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends—North America report put together by the Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs found that while 69%

Guides & CoursesAug 26, 2015
How to Achieve Explosive Growth on Pinterest: 8 Key Ways to Build and Multiply Your Audience

Before he became the co-founder of Pinterest, Ben Silbermann moved to California and started working for Google in customer support before eventually starting a business. He says, of his then move from Des Moines, Iowa, to the Valley: Being close to people that inspire you is a very good first step. Fittingly, that’s exactly what his company, Pinterest, now makes possible: Allowing people to get close to the brands,

ResearchAug 25, 2015
Why Do People Share What They Do? Here’s What Neuroscience, Psychology, and Relationships Tell Us About Highly Shareable Content

What makes you stop scrolling through an article, open up a social media app and hit the share button? Is it logic, emotion , or something else? Turns out, there’s more to social sharing than just measuring metrics: Psychology . The strange nature of our brains is the reason we hotly debate the color of a dress

ResearchAug 4, 2015
The Science of Storytelling Through Facebook Images: 10 Actionable Strategies from Successful Brands

On April 8, 2011, Blake Mycoskie, the founder of TOMS shoes, did something radical: He asked everyone to go barefoot for a day. One Day Without Shoes is now a yearly campaign dedicated to educating the world of how many children in developing countries grow up barefoot and without shoes, putting them at risk of infections and diseases. TOMS already donates one pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair of shoes it sells. This year, the company took it one step further. For every photo of