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A Practical Guide to Writing Website Copy For People Who Aren’t Professional Copywriters
A Practical Guide to Writing Website Copy For People Who Aren’t Professional Copywriters

To really make your brand stand out, you need to effectively communicate the story behind your small business to your audience. While you can connect with your customers on social media, creating a website is just as important, if not more. A website provides a variety of benefits and is a permanent landing page for your business that gives your brand credibility. It’s not enough to simply have a website, you also need to make sure you include compelling copy on it. Well-crafted web copy can bu

How to Do Small Business Branding on a Budget (2024 Edition)
How to Do Small Business Branding on a Budget (2024 Edition)

You don’t have to spend much money to develop a solid brand on your own. It just takes time and careful thought. In this guide, you’ll learn how to define your brand identity, story, style guide, assets, and social media — all while spending little to no money.

54 Free High-Quality, Beautiful Social Media Icon Sets For Your Website
54 Free High-Quality, Beautiful Social Media Icon Sets For Your Website

The best collection of beautiful, free social media icons ready for you to use on your website or anywhere else you wish to.

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