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We’re a company founded by immigrants: here’s why we don’t support the immigration ban

Jan 31, 2017 2 min readOpen
Photo of Joel Gascoigne
Joel Gascoigne

CEO and co-founder @ Buffer

On Friday, President Trump banned entry into the United States for migrants from seven Muslim-majority countries and instated a 120-day halt to resettlement of refugees from around the world.

As the founder of a global team, I believe this ban is fundamentally wrong and directly opposed to Buffer’s values of inclusion, diversity and openness.

Buffer is a company founded and run by immigrants. I am in the U.S. on my second visa and have been lucky to spend most of the last 5 years in the U.S. I believe Buffer wouldn’t be where it is today if I hadn’t been able to build it in America.

While Buffer doesn’t currently have teammates from any of the 7 countries targeted, we are nonetheless affected by and angered at Islamophobia and racism everywhere it exists. Our team believes in diversity and inclusivity around the world.

At this time, we are offering extra legal support and resources to our 6 Buffer teammates with U.S. H1-B visas or green cards. We’ve signed the Never Again tech pledge to stand in solidarity with Muslim Americans, immigrants, and all people whose lives and livelihoods are threatened by the incoming administration’s proposed data collection policies. We offer our full support, including time off if and when needed, to teammates who wish to protest this executive order through peaceful demonstrations, donations or other actions. (I personally have donated to the American Civil Liberties Union, which is contesting this executive order, and I know several Buffer team members who have, too.)

We have always covered 100% of the costs for teammates emigrating to America, and we will continue to cover all legal and financial aspects of the process to support these teammates.

If you’re looking to support diversity and acceptance for people of all religions and cultures, spread hope in the world, or get a message to President Trump right now, here are a few ways to learn more and share your voice:

Hashtags to search:

Actions to consider:

We believe everyone deserves a voice on social media, and at this moment your voice matters more than ever.

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