Yes, it is ready. One of the most awaited products our awesome users wanted to have has been released. Buffer for Android is out and you can grab it from the Android market.
Developed by the one and only aimee daniells (you can give her a shout @sermoa) we did a complete overhaul.
Our goal was to bring you the simplest way to share updates and Tweets with highest impact on your cell phone too.
Similar to web version and browser extensions you can fill up your Buffer with just a few clicks from your Android phone. Grab it from here:
So let’s take a look and see what you can do with Buffer from your Android phone now
Adding any article you find to your Buffer
The first thing you can very easily do is add any article you come across to your Buffer. Whilst you are browsing, tap the Menu button on your Android phone.

Then tap “share page” and choose the add to Buffer function. It will open the usual Buffer box for you. You can edit the update or add it to your Buffer right away.
Organizing and editing your Buffered items
You can now very easily move your Buffered items around. Simply tap and move up or downwards. This will help you to create a better order for your Buffered tweets on the go very intuitively.
Pro Tip: You can swipe across the screen to swap between your different Twitter accounts connected to your Buffer.

If you long press on any update, it will allow you to edit very easily. You can also decide to post it to more Buffer accounts at once through this if you want. In short, we tried to give you all the flexibility with the Android App that you would also have with the web application.

Check the performance of your updates on the go
Of course, one of the most crucial aspects that many of you have told us is that you need access to your analytics from on the go. We will tell you the number of clicks, retweets and clicks right from your Android phone.

What else are we up to here at Buffer?
With the Android App out the door we are moving on to our next big release. Buffer for iOS will be our next step so we can all add updates from our beloved iPhones without any hassles.
We are also working away like mad on Buffer for Facebook. We will soon let our loyal beta testers onto the App that have already registered.
What else do we do? Well, sometimes, but not very often, because we want to keep you guys happy, we take some time off and chill a little bit. Like here where Tom, Joel and I went to visit Stanford campus:

I hope the Android version is something that will up your efficiency on your mobile phone. If you haven’t done so, grab Buffer for Android. What do you think of it? Let us know any thoughts you have, would love to hear it.
You can also just hover with your Android phone over the QR code and grab it immediately:
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