Iris Shoor

Iris Shoor

A collection of posts by Iris Shoor

A collection of 2 posts

Life HackingOct 23, 2012
Why We Buy Into Ideas: How to Convince Others of Our Thoughts

This is a guestpost by Iris Shoor, co-founder and VP Product and marketing at Takipi, more about Iris at the bottom of the post. If you think about it, each one of us has different natural and acquired capabilities. Some of us learn new languages quickly, some are more social than others while some remember the face of each person they’ve come across. These strengths determine how we think and make decisions. Yes, this is probably obvious – different people think in different ways. And yet the

Self-ImprovementSep 4, 2012
Why Creativity Blocks Happen and 4 Ways You Can Overcome Them

This is a guestpost by Iris Shoor , co-founder and VP Product and marketing at Takipi , a new start-up leveraging Big Data technology to change how developers debug software in the cloud. It originally appeared on Lifehacker , more about Iris at the bottom of the post. A few days ago I was telling someone about my startup company. “How did you come up with the