Brooke Monaghan

Brooke Monaghan

Brooke Monaghan is a coach and consultant for values-driven founders and organizations, and the host of the Transcend Your Dichotomy podcast.


A collection of 2 posts

FlowJul 19, 2023
I Worked As Little as Possible, Avoided Burn Out, and Grew My Business

It can feel like you have to work nonstop to succeed when you’re growing a company, but this business owner wanted to avoid that narrative. Here’s the experiment that helped her build better work habits.

Jul 10, 2023
How Starting a Podcast Helped Me Pivot and Grow My Business to $85K per Year

Even with just about 1,000 downloads a month, this entrepreneur has used a podcast to grow and market her business. Learn the tactics that have helped her succeed.