The Happiness Hero Approach to Customer Service: A Bufferchat Recap

Sep 25, 2014 5 min readOpen
Photo of Nicole Miller
Nicole Miller

Director of People @ Buffer

On September 10th, with all of the Buffer team members gathered in New York for our working retreat, the team of Happiness Heroes joined forces to lead a #bufferchat discussion on customer service (and cute animal gifs).


Connect with the dynamic individuals offering support and smiles to Buffer’s community every day: (in order of photo, left to right) Dave, Colin (the Happiness Engineer), Adam, Nicole (me!), Carolyn (Chief Happiness Officer), Patrik, Amanda, Octa,


, Mary and Daniel. For a full recap of the chat, check out this Storify.

What does it mean to be a Happiness Hero?

How can freelancers or small businesses fill the role of Happiness Hero?

How do you strive to make each interaction memorable?

What’s the best part of interacting with customers?

What are your best Happiness Hero tips for customer service?

Catch more amazing tips and a collection of amazing gifs in the Storify recap. :) Thank you to everyone who joined in #Bufferchat and a special shout-out goes to the Happiness Hero team that so loyally strives to bring smiles to all customers!

Catch #Bufferchat each week at 9 am Pacific/noon Eastern/4 pm GMT with different guests and topics. Join the Google+ community to keep up on the latest news.

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