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Buffer Webinars

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On-demand webinars

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Drive Customers to Your Business with Google Business Profiles & Buffer

Learn how to drive customers to your business with Google Business Profiles and Buffer. In this webinar, you'll learn how to craft click-worthy posts that bring in customers, and how to set up your profile in Buffer.

by Phill

Buffer's 2022 Product Recap and 2023 Preview

In this webinar, we joined together for a review of Buffer's top product highlights from 2022, including a sneak peek at what was coming in 2023. Our team walked us through the most innovative features and enhancements they released that past year, and gave us a preview of what was on the horizon for the coming year. It was a great opportunity to get up to speed on all things Buffer and see what they had in store for the future.

by Phill

10 New Buffer Features Launched in 2023

In this webinar, we looked at the top product launches from 2023 Q1, including a sneak peek at what was coming later in the year. Join the team as they walk through the most innovative features and enhancements released. It's a great opportunity to get up to speed on all things Buffer and see what's in store.

by Phill

Tips for growing your following on LinkedIn

Discover exactly what's needed to grow on LinkedIn with this exclusive webinar with both Buffer and LinkedIn. You'll hear from LinkedIn expert Zander Van Gogh explaining exactly how to grow a following and LinkedIn and how to create click-worth content.

by Phill

How to Maximize your Holiday Social Media Strategy with Natasha Samuel

In this webinar, we’ll talk about how to maximize your holiday social media strategy with Natasha Samuel. Natasha is the host of The Shine Online Podcast and an Instagram Strategist that helps small businesses shine online. We'll chat about developing a holiday marketing timeline, how to jump-start your holiday launches, and we will end with a Q&A session.

by Katie

Top Pinning Tips from the Pinterest Team

Buffer and Pinterest are teaming up to give you every tool, tip, and trick you need to use Pinterest successfully in your social media strategy. You'll learn ​​why Pinterest is an important part of your social media strategy, what's new at Pinterest, Pinterest best practices and how to measure success, and how to use Pinterest in Buffer.

by Darcy

[Live Session]: Brand Refresh: Small changes, Big impact with Buffer’s Marketing Designer Julia Jaskólska

A brand refresh doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By taking action with small steps toward identifying or clarifying your brand identity you create an opportunity to reengage your audience and redefine your purpose while inviting your audience along for your journey. Join us for this live session with Buffer’s own brain behind our branding, Julia, as we hear how she approached this process and brought Buffer to where we are today.

by Heather-Mae

[Live Workshop] Optimizing Your Social Channels for Success (& Q&A)

In this webinar, we’ll work side-by-side with you to increase the power of your social media channels. We'll go through which information your customers need to know from you on social, ways to make your bio more attractive, how to hone in on the content that performs best on each channel, and more! Ultimately, you’ll walk away from this hour with all of the tools you need to make the best possible connection with your audience on social media.

by Heather-Mae

Farewell, 2020. Hello, 2021 - Our Predictions for the New Year

With just over a month left in the year, we're ready to bid farewell to 2020. Join us as we share our social media predictions and what other industry leader are anticipating for 2021. We'll finish with a Q&A to answer any prediction related questions.

by Heather-Mae

Unwrapping Your Holiday Marketing Strategy Live w/Buffer's own Sophie Gil

In this webinar, we’ll be chatting about all things related to your Holiday Marketing Strategy. From when to start planning and key dates, to actionable steps you can take now. We'll end with a Q&A where you can ask all of your holiday planning questions.

by Heather-Mae

How to Drive Traffic to Your Website Using 2 Powerful Buffer Features

In this webinar, we’ll talk about how two powerful Buffer features will help you to drive traffic to your website. Our latest addition to Analyze allows you to compare your boosted vs organic posts (on both Facebook and Instagram). Next we'll talk about our feature called Shop Grid that allows you turn your Instagram feed into a clickable feed where you can drive traffic to your website.

by Heather-Mae

How to Use Buffer Analytics to Inform Your Social Media Strategy

Learn about Buffer’s suite of features, aimed at increasing your success on Instagram. Establish hashtag groups, create links for each of your Instagram posts, publish your first comment at the same time as your caption, create Instagram reports, and more. After the demo, we had a super informative Q&A session, as well.

by Heather-Mae

Buffer Feature Spotlight on Campaigns and Live Q&A

Learn about Buffer’s newest feature, Campaigns. Campaigns allows you to group posts together while scheduling content, and then track and analyze the campaign performance after posts have been sent. After the demo, we will have a Q&A session.

by Darcy

Buffer Feature Spotlight on Instagram and Live Q&A

Learn about Buffer’s suite of features, aimed at increasing your success on Instagram. Establish hashtag groups, create links for each of your Instagram posts, publish your first comment at the same time as your caption, create Instagram reports, and more. After the demo, we had a super informative Q&A session, as well.

by Heather-Mae

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