The Best Tools and Sources for Visuals in Social Media: A #Bufferchat Recap

Jul 2, 2014 3 min readBufferchat
Photo of Nicole Miller
Nicole Miller

Director of People @ Buffer


Social media is getting more and more visual.

We just can’t get enough photos, videos, GIFs, infographics, and charts. It’s something we’ve blogged about before and certainly something we’ll cover again, given the momentum of sites such as Instagram and Pinterest.

At Buffer, we even make multiple original images for most of our blog posts, and our favorite tool for that job is awesome image-maker Canva.

Recently we invited Peg Fitzpatrick, Head of Social Strategy at Canva, to join us in for a #bufferchat on Twitter to talk about visuals in social media.

Here is a recap of our chat and some of the great tools, resources and tips mentioned!

How do images/videos/infographics/etc. fit into your social media strategy?

Nearly everyone who responded indicated that visuals were a major part of their strategy or something they planned to make an even larger part.

What tools and resources help you create visuals for social media?

Stock photo sites:

P.S. Want more photo resources? We’ve got a giant list of 53+ Free Image Sources For Your Blog and Social Media Posts.

Apps and tools:

Where do you find inspiration for your social media visuals?

What challenges do you face with social media visuals?

When it comes to challenges faced with using visual media online, our #bufferchat participants mentioned struggling with:

  • Perfectionism
  • Time
  • Creative blocks
  • More tools for mobile posting
  • Not feeling “good enough”
  • Ensuring high quality
  • and more!

Do any of these resonate with you? You’re not alone!

What are the best companies and people to follow for visual inspiration?

Check out any of these for inspiration and encouragement when it comes to getting creative with your social media visuals:

A few closing thoughts:

For a complete look at the Twitter chat, check out our Storify recap!

Do you have any tips or resources to add to this great conversation? Share them with us in the comments below! And be sure to join us each Wednesday at 9 am PST/ noon EST for a new #Bufferchat!

P.S. If you liked this post, you might enjoy our Buffer Blog newsletter. Receive each new post delivered right to your inbox, plus our can’t-miss weekly email of the Internet’s best reads. Sign up here.

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