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Celebrating Bufferchatters: A #Bufferchat (3rd Birthday!) Recap

Jun 16, 2017 4 min readBufferchat

This week on #bufferchat, we celebrated the 3rd birthday of our beloved #bufferchat! We decided to celebrate what makes the chat so meaningful and fun each week — the incredible #bufferchat community. We asked some silly questions, some thoughtful ones, and learned what makes each #bufferchat community member unique. ?

Catch our weekly Twitter chat, #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday for valuable industry insights and to meet hundreds of other smart marketers and social media enthusiasts. Same topic, same place, just at different times – feel free to join in to whichever chat time works best for you!

4 pm AEST (Sydney time)

9 am PT (San Francisco time)

Bufferchat on June 14, 2017 (Topic = Celebrating Bufferchatters)

This week’s stats:
1st Bufferchat: 33 participants; 167 tweets; reach of 1,020,795
2nd Bufferchat: 129 participants; 814 tweets; reach of 1,220,540

Q1: What is your favorite thing to nerd out about? (As in your biggest passion, something quirky you love, etc!

From the community:

  • “I study transportation systems 4 my M.Sc., so I nerd out about cool stuff, ya know like urban planning & transport policies.” @_abroadamerican
  • “I nerd out about linguistics, public transit, and libraries. Actually, one of my best birthdays was library-themed.” @DeraLuce
  • “Dog training. So much opportunity to learn, improve, & challenge myself, both in terms of skill & the bond between dog & man.” @ARoberts021
  • “Movies. If I am not in this industry, I would want to be a film critic. ?” @AlyssaAshleyC
  • “My favourite thing to nerd out about at the moment are our work bees – bees are so fascinating.” @bmeakin

Check out what makes our community members unique!

Q2: What keeps you coming back to #bufferchat? Or, if this is your 1st one, what brought you here today?

From the community:

  • “Community. It’s the people, fun, topics and learning. As a solopreneur, it gets lonely, so chats & communities are for me.” @ZalkaB
  • “Other than content, it’s the true connection I feel w/ the folks who participate. The community always brightens my week!” @MegAHakey
  • “The intellectual, interactive, interesting and intriguing conversations and a great community, keep bringing me back.” @TheCoolZephyr
  • “I started participating when I got a new role in marketing & had a TON of learning to do. Every week I learn SO. MUCH.” @YMCACathryn
  • “Conversation & meeting/interacting with so many awesome people. It’s nice to get different perspectives in relevant topics.” @GeoffTBlosat

See all of the amazing responses to question 2 here!

Q3: If you had one, what would be the title of your autobiography?

From the community:

  • “‘Six AM. Time for Bed: Story of a Nighttime Creative.'” @Tyrophant
  • “‘The Fool’s Guide to Himself.'” @Cs_Frncz
  • “Tough one! Something wittier but — ‘A Mover & Shaker: an account of leadership, challenges, & the importance of change.'” @JulieStuckey
  • “Probably something like ‘There’s no such thing as too much pizza: the internet IRL.'” @lisettevdvalk
  • “‘Coasting Through Life: A look at how life’s ups and downs fostered a desire to drive change.'” @Renoe

See all the creative autobiography titles here!

Q4: What’s something you’re grateful for today?

From the community:

  • “I’m 44 and still alive and well. So are my wife, my kids, my siblings, my parents and all my friends. #yayformoderntimes.” @tomorgel
  • “Grateful for being a #remoteworker. Working from home has made my life so much better in just under a year!” @Anne_E_Mercer
  • “Today, I’m grateful for good weather, good friends, & the promise of tomorrow.” @SimTara
  • “Oh man! I’m thankful for friends, family, health, and the ability to do what I love and live in my purpose.” @MindofaDiva
  • “Being safe, healthy, free and living life to its fullest!” @mgouzrou

See what everyone was grateful for here!

Q5: What’s one of your proudest achievements from the past year?

From the community:

  • “Successful consulting + welcoming another little kiddo. 2 under 2 & an entrepreneur. ? #MomLife.” @CardozaGab
  • “Putting together a video campaign that landed a huge contract for my previous company and catapulted me into my new job.” @TheKyleMurray
  • “I’m proud of myself for publishing 3 eBooks this year that increased my email list from a handful to over 600 subscribers.” @MktgInnovator
  • “Taking risks for my career this year! I’m here b/c of not worrying about other people’s opinions of me & I’m proud of that.” @kaitlynuy_
  • “My recent humanitarian trip to Barahona in the Dominican Republic. Life changing and humbling experience.” @The_ChrisBryant

Check out the amazing achievements of our community members here!

Q6: Spread the love: give a shout out to someone who’s inspired you in some way recently!

See who everyone shouted out to here!

Q7: When are you the happiest?

From the community:

  • “When time disappears because I’m lost in the moment. I have ’em with my work, with my fam, with a good book or video game!” @hirenoah
  • “When I’m able to put a smile on those who matter to me :D” @HinoIII
  • “When I’m eating/doing/seeing something new. Plus meeting new people! Especially if they’re of differing backgrounds.” @brucerpdx
  • “Relaxing on the beach with a book in hand, listening to waves softly crashing in the background.” @MicheleElizabth
  • “Fascinating how our responses have a common theme: what makes us the happiest are meaningful moments that don’t cost a thing.” @saintgabesf

See all the great responses to question 7 here!

Thank you so much to our awesome community for celebrating with us this week!

Do you have any comments or answers to these questions? Leave your thoughts in the comments! We’d love to hear from you!

Image sources: UnSplash

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