38 Go-to Resources for Learning the Latest in Social Media – #Bufferchat Recap

Aug 15, 2014 2 min readBufferchat
Photo of Nicole Miller
Nicole Miller

Director of People @ Buffer

Social media marketer and founder of Think Digital Academy, Justin Wise, joined us for our #bufferchat to discuss the importance of conferences, online academies and general learning within the digital marketing realm.

Check out the full Storify recap here!

Here is an overview of some of the great discussion!

Why is continued learning so important in digital marketing?

38 go-to resources for the latest in social media:

  1. Dustin Stout – for all things Google+
  2. Social Media Examiner
  3. Gary Vee
  4. Mari Smith
  5. Buffer
  6. Amy Porterfield
  7. Brian Solis
  8. Mark Schaefer
  9. Jon Loomer
  10. WordPress experts (Twitter list via @dforge)
  11. Marketing Profs
  12. Jay Baer
  13. Brian Fanzo
  14. Webcast Digest
  15. Atomic Reach Hub
  16. The Next Web
  17. Mashable Tech
  18. Forbes Tech
  19. Upworthy
  20. Scott Stratten
  21. Zite
  22. Social Fresh
  23. Moz
  24. Annie Cushing
  25. Kissmetrics
  26. Constant Contact
  27. iMedia Tweet
  28. CoSchedule
  29. CMX Summit
  30. Growth Hackers
  31. Groove
  32. Mention
  33. Verge
  34. Fast Company
  35. TechCrunch
  36. BuzzSumo
  37. Seth Godin
  38. Jow Yang

Benefits of conferences (online or in-person)

Keeping connected:

Is there a balance between “learning” and “doing”?

Surprising conference takeaway:

Thank you to everyone who participated! You can join us every Wednesday at noon Eastern; 9 am Pacific for a brand-new #Bufferchat. Between chats, check out our

Google+ community

to get the latest news and connect with new friends you’ve met at #Bufferchat!

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