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7 Social Media Predictions for 2023 (according to experts)
7 Social Media Predictions for 2023 (according to experts)

If there’s one thing we love to check on at the end and beginning of any year, it’s the trends. Who got what right — or wrong? What did no one see coming? It’s all fascinating to witness. Perhaps antithetical to my love for trend-watching, the biggest lesson I’ve learned from predictions is that no one can tell the future. We can only make observations based on data and the cultural landscape and cross our fingers. Keeping that in mind, we — along with experts — outline what we’ve noticed peop

6 Ways Brands Can Land on the Instagram Explore Page
6 Ways Brands Can Land on the Instagram Explore Page

You’ve probably spotted the magnifying glass on Instagram before — that’s Instagram’s Explore Page. The feature allows users to discover new content and accounts to follow. Instagram uses this space to curate content including photos, videos, Reels, and Stories based on a person’s activity on Instagram. Instagram uses an algorithm that goes through accounts people follow, what kinds of posts they like, and their search history to make the Instagram Explore Page as custom and exciting as possible

How to Use TikTok Hashtags for Growth (+ The Best Hashtags of 2024 So Far)
How to Use TikTok Hashtags for Growth (+ The Best Hashtags of 2024 So Far)

Absolutely everything you need to know about TikTok hashtags: how to find them, how to use them, and the best TikTok hashtags of 2024.

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