
This namespace is used for auxilary information that can be useful when creating your app.

GET /info/configuration

Returns an object with the current configuration that Buffer is using, including supported services, their icons and the varying limits of character and schedules.

The services keys map directly to those on profiles and updates so that you can easily show the correct icon or calculate the correct character length for an update.

We recommend calling this endpoint before getting a list of profiles for the authenticated user.

Please note that in the "analytics_filters" section for Twitter, "favorites" is equivalent to "likes". We have left this as "favorites" for now for backward compatibility and will be changing it to "likes" in the next version of the Buffer API.

Example Request


  "services": {
    "twitter": {
      "types": {
        "profile": {
          "name": "Twitter",
          "character_limit": 140,
          "schedule_limit": 730,
          "characters_per_media": 24,
          "short_url_length": 23,
          "short_url_length_https": 23,
          "icons": {
            "16": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/twitter-16x16
.png", "32": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/twitter-32x32
.png", "64": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/twitter-64x64
.png" }, "supported_interactions": [ "mentions", "mention", "retweets", "retweet" ], "link_attachments": false } }, "urls": { "user": "https:\/\/\/", "hashtag": "https:\/\/\/#!\/search?q=%23", "cashtag": "https:\/\/\/#!\/search?q=%24" }, "analytics_filters": [ "retweets", "favorites", "replies", "clicks", "reach" ] }, "facebook": { "types": { "profile": { "name": "Facebook", "character_limit": 5000, "schedule_limit": 25, "icons": { "16": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/facebook-
16x16.png", "32": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/facebook-
32x32.png", "64": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/facebook-
64x64.png" }, "supported_interactions": [ "likes", "like", "comments", "comment" ], "link_attachments": true }, "page": { "name": "Facebook Page", "character_limit": 5000, "schedule_limit": 25, "icons": { "16": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/facebook-
16x16.png", "32": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/facebook-
32x32.png", "64": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/facebook-
64x64.png" }, "supported_interactions": [ "likes", "like", "comments", "comment" ], "link_attachments": true }, "group": { "name": "Facebook Group", "character_limit": 5000, "schedule_limit": 25, "icons": { "16":"http:\/\/\/images\/services\/fb-group-16x16
.png", "32":"http:\/\/\/images\/services\/fb-group-32x32
.png", "64":"http:\/\/\/images\/services\/fb-group-64x64
.png" }, "supported_interactions": [ "likes", "like", "comments", "comment" ], "link_attachments": true } }, "urls": { "user": "https:\/\/\/" }, "analytics_filters": [ "likes", "comments", "clicks", "shares", "reach" ] }, "linkedin": { "types": { "profile": { "name": "LinkedIn", "character_limit": 3000, "schedule_limit": 100, "icons": { "16": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/linkedin-
16x16.png", "32": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/linkedin-
32x32.png", "64": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/linkedin-
64x64.png" }, "supported_interactions": [ "comments", "comment", "likes", "like" ], "link_attachments": true }, "group": { "name": "LinkedIn Group", "character_limit": 200, "schedule_limit": 100, "icons": { "16": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/linkedin-
16x16.png", "32": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/linkedin-
32x32.png", "64": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/linkedin-
64x64.png" }, "supported_interactions": [ "comments", "comment", "likes", "like" ], "link_attachments":true }, "page": { "name": "LinkedIn Page", "character_limit": 3000, "schedule_limit": 100, "icons": { "16": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/linkedin-
16x16.png", "32": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/linkedin-
32x32.png", "64": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/linkedin-
64x64.png" }, "supported_interactions": [ "comments", "comment", "likes", "like" ], "link_attachments": true ) }, "urls": { "user": "http:\/\/\/search\/fpsearch?type=people&
keywords=" }, "analytics_filters": [ "comments", "likes", "clicks", "reshares", "connections" ] }, "google": { "types": { "profile": { "name": "Google+", "character_limit": 5000, "schedule_limit": 100, "icons": { "16": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/google-16x16
.png", "32": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/google-32x32
.png", "64": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/google-64x64
.png" }, "supported_interactions": [ "plusOnes", "plusOne", "comments", "comment", "reshares", "reshare" ], "link_attachments": true }, "page": { "name": "Google+ Page", "character_limit": 5000, "schedule_limit": 100, "icons": { "16": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/google-16x16
.png", "32": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/google-32x32
.png", "64": "http:\/\/\/images\/services\/google-64x64
.png" }, "supported_interactions": [ "plusOnes", "plusOne", "comments", "comment", "reshares", "reshare" ], "link_attachments": true } }, "urls": { "user": "http:\/\/\/" }, "analytics_filters": [ "comments", "clicks", "reshares", "+1s" ] } }, "media": { "picture_size_min": 0, "picture_size_max": 3415728, "picture_filetypes": [ "jpeg", "jpg", "gif", "png" ] } }