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A collection of posts on Resources

ResourcesAug 20, 2018
Facebook Redesigns Pages as Reach Declines, 5 Fascinating Facts About Gen Z, the ROI of Meme Accounts, and More!

How to subscribe: iTunes | Google Play | SoundCloud | Stitcher | RSS Looking to catch up on the latest social media news, but short on time? We have you covered! Join 17,000+ weekly listeners for the Buffer podcast, The Science of Social Media, where we bring you the latest and greatest in social media marketing news, updates, stories, insights, and actionable takeaways. This week we have a super interesting episode lined up for you, starting with specific details around Facebook’s plan t

ResourcesAug 13, 2018
7 Psychology Facts That All Social Media Marketers Should Know

How to subscribe: iTunes | Google Play | SoundCloud | Stitcher | RSS What do psychology and

ResourcesAug 9, 2018
Why the News Feed is Becoming Less Important for Facebook Pages

Facebook has made some big changes to business Page s in order to better support small and local businesses. Over 80 million businesses use Facebook Pages, with more than 1.6 billion people around the world are connected to them. And each week, two out of three people on Facebook visit a local business Page or an Event P

ResourcesAug 7, 2018
We Analyzed 43 Million Facebook Posts From the Top 20,000 Brands

What a year for Business Pages on Facebook! It sure feels like every time we as marketers and business owners think we have our Facebook marketing strategy figured out, a major algorithm change is announced or a new tactic becomes the latest trend. Over the years, we’ve learned that the best way to reach our audiences on Facebook is to study the data, experiment constantly, be open to learning, and take a growth mindset. In the spirit of learning, we partnered with BuzzSumo to analyze more th

ResourcesJul 30, 2018
6 Old School Marketing Tactics That Still Work on Social Media

How to subscribe: iTunes | Google Play | SoundCloud | Stitcher | RSS It seems like everywher

ResourcesJul 26, 2018
How Car Next Door Use Buffer to Build Trust on Social Media

Car Next Door is a car-sharing platform that enables customers to hire a vehicle from a community of local owners and its long-term objective is huge. In fact, when Kate Trumbull, the company’s communications director, told us their vision, we were kind of stunned: Our mission is to free people and the planet from the ‘one person, one car’ mentality. Now that is an audacious goal. Getting cars off the road, reducing pollution and waste, and buildin

ResourcesJul 23, 2018
752,626 Facebook Ads Analyzed, an eCommerce Growth Case Study, New Social Media Tools, and More!

How to subscribe: iTunes | Google Play | SoundCloud | Stitcher | RSS There is always so much happening in the social media marketing industry that it can be a challenge to keep up with all of the latest news and insights. From constant changes to the Facebook and Instagram algorithms to the silent growth of LinkedIn and the launch of Instagram’s IGTV, marketers and businesses have their hands full. That’s why we’ve created what we call “Minisodes” on the Buffer Podcast – The Science of So

ResourcesJul 19, 2018
How to Get over Perfectionism (and Execute on Your Ideas)

As marketers, we’re all too familiar with putting off executing on an idea. There’s always a perfectly good reason for this: the end goal hasn’t quite crystallized yet. The resources and budget need to be better thought through. The analytics systems in place don’t seem up to par. …you know how the rest goes. The underlying problem? We badly want to “do it right” so much that we end up not doing it at all. Perfectionism paralysis at

ResourcesJul 16, 2018
How to Sell on Instagram Like the Pros [Proven Tips & Strategies]

How to listen: iTunes | Google Play | SoundCloud | Stitcher | RSS By now, you’ve most likely heard that the Instagram platform has surpassed 1 billion monthly active users worldwide and that 400 million+ people are using Instagram Stories on a daily basis. But, did you know that Instagram now makes up more than one-third (36%) of Facebook’s total ad revenue? A revenue number that is expected to grow to $5.4 billion in the U.S. alone in 2018 and $9 billion globally by 2020. Needless to say

ResourcesJul 12, 2018
How to Discover Irresistible Content Ideas Using Reddit

💡Looking for an easy way to save all your best ideas? Check out Ideas from Buffer → We’ve all been there. Staring at that dreaded blinking line on a blank page. Every marketer knows the pain of struggling to come up with a topic for their next article, email or social media post. And while there are lots of ways to come up with great content ideas, I’d like to show you one that doesn’t get talked about much. It’s a simple strategy that I’ve used to source content ideas for blog posts, work

ResourcesJul 10, 2018
It’s Time to Reconsider ‘Best Time to Post on Social Media’ Studies. Here’s What to Do Instead.

If you are a social media manager, you’ve likely looked at ‘best time to post on social media’ studies to come up with several posting times for your brand. I know I have. But now, I believe it’s time to reconsider these studies. In the last few years, more and more studies on the best times to post have been released. (At Buffer, we contributed to this too!) And while knowing your best time to post is still very relevant, I’m starting to feel that it’s no longer useful to refer to studies on

ResourcesJul 3, 2018
How to Schedule Tweets to Maximize Reach and Engagement

Even though Twitter has introduced an algorithm to its timeline , most of the tweets we see on our timelines are still displayed reverse-chronologically. This means that tweeting at the right times can help you reach and engage more followers. But as social media managers , you most likely don’t have the time to wait around and tweet at specific times of the day. Here’s where sch

ResourcesJun 27, 2018
Celebrating 4 Years of #BufferChat

We’ve decided to retire #bufferchat after four years and had a celebration with our community, Read on to discover all of the memories and fun shared during the chat! This week’s stats: Bufferchat (9 am PT): 118 participants; reach of 1,655,682 Q1: What’s been your favorite #bufferchat topic? From the community: A1: There’s been so many great #bufferchat that resonated with me. Standouts include: ✅Email Marketing with @p

ResourcesJun 21, 2018
With IGTV, Instagram is Becoming Television for the Mobile Generation

Too busy to read? Just click the play button below to listen to Hailley and Brian discuss the Instagram algorithm on our podcast. How to listen: iTunes | Google Play | SoundCloud [

ResourcesJun 19, 2018
Coffee and Community: Foster Coffee Company on Growing Their Social Media Following and Business

Too busy to read? Just click the play button below to listen to this post. “We love coffee, but we love community and people more.” This Foster Coffee Company credo isn’t just a brand statement. It’s at the heart of their social media strategy too. We spoke to co-founder Nicholas Pidek and marketing associate, Justin Ozanich, about how social media has helped them grow their community and business. “Two and a half years ago we were

ResourcesJun 18, 2018
Podcasting for Beginners: The Complete Guide to Getting Started With Podcasts

Hey there, podcast fans! We have a podcast of our very own, The Science of Social Media ! We’d love for you to check it out and share any thoughts, feedback or ideas with us! You can listen on Apple Podcasts here or Spotify here . OK, now back to the post... --------------------------------------------------------------------------

ResourcesJun 14, 2018
How the Instagram Algorithm Works in 2018: Everything You Need to Know

Too busy to read? Just click the play button below to listen to Hailley and Brian discuss the Instagram algorithm on our podcast. How exactly does the Instagram feed work? That question has puzzled marketers ever since Instagram first introduced its algorithm in July 2016. The Instagram algorithm was introduced to help surface the best, most relevant content to each user every-time they check their feed. Until now, though, the inner-workings of the feed have been kept under wraps, but recen

ResourcesJun 13, 2018
Avoiding Social Media Burnout: A #BufferChat Recap

This week on #bufferchat our community shared all the best tips and tricks to avoid social media burnout. Read on to discover all of the awesome insights shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday for valuable industry insights and to meet hundreds of other smart marketers and social media enthusiasts. Same topic, same place, just at different times – feel free t

ResourcesJun 13, 2018
Pinterest Marketing: A #BufferChat Recap

This week on #bufferchat our community discussed the ins and outs of marketing on Pinterest. Read on to discover all of the awesome insights shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday for valuable industry insights and to meet hundreds of other smart marketers and social media enthusiasts. Same topic, same place, just at different times – feel free to join

ResourcesJun 12, 2018
6 Shortcuts to Speed Up Your Social Media Scheduling Process

As a social media manager , you likely spend a good chunk of your day scheduling content for your brand’s social media profiles . We understand the challenge. Social media scheduling can be a time-consuming process. So we would love to help! In this post, I’ll be sharing some ways you can save time while scheduling content for social media using Buffer [https:/

ResourcesJun 11, 2018
Design for Social Media Marketers: A #BufferChat Recap

This week on #bufferchat our community chatted all about design and how it can translate well to social media. Read on to discover all of the awesome insights shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday for valuable industry insights and to meet hundreds of other smart marketers and social media enthusiasts. Same topic, same place, just at different times –

ResourcesJun 7, 2018
Social Media Engagement is the New Social Media Marketing: How To Do It Well

At Buffer, we think a lot about the future of social media. It started as a way for friends to connect online, evolved into a broadcasting channel, and is now a place for brands to provide personalized, human experiences with their audience and customers. Social media is as much about engagement with other people as it is about sharing content. It’s why we call it “social” media. Here are just a few reasons why social media engagement is a vital part of any social media marketing [https://b

ResourcesMay 30, 2018
How to Use Pinterest: The Insider Guide for Businesses (With Strategies From the Pinterest Team)

Pinterest is one of the world’s leading platforms for sharing ideas and finding inspiration. Over 200 million people flock to the social network each month to discover new products, recipes, destinations, articles, influencers, and so much more. But Pinterest isn’t just for individual users like you and me. It also represents a huge opportunity for businesses and brands looking to