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Resources - Page 10

A collection of posts on Resources

ResourcesDec 19, 2017
We Studied Our Top Social Media Posts of 2017. Here’s What We Learned.

We are grateful for people who share what worked (and what didn’t) for them on social media. And we’ve learned a lot from their experiences. With 2017 coming to an end, I thought it might be helpful to do a review of our social media performance and share the findings with you. In this post, you’ll find our top five posts of the year of each of our social media profiles and what we’ve learned from them. Plus, you’ll also learn about o

ResourcesDec 17, 2017
How One of the Most Popular Pro Sports Teams in America Shares to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and More

For the Denver Broncos—and most any major sports team—there’s so much to share on social media not just at game time but all week long, all year long. How do you get the right content out at the right times? How do you ensure that all the awesome material from your site makes it to your social profiles—and know which content resonates? How do you get your whole digital team to join in and contribute? Look no further than the Denver Broncos. Their digital media

ResourcesDec 15, 2017
Looking At LinkedIn: A #BufferChat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, our community chatted all about LinkedIn, everything from best performing content to top marketing strategies. Read on to discover all of the awesome insights shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday for valuable industry insights and to meet hundreds of other smart marketers and social media enthusiasts. Same topic, same place,

ResourcesDec 9, 2017
All About Salaries: A #BufferChat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, our community had an in-depth discussion on salaries, from best salary negotiation tips to predictions for the future of salaries. Read on to discover all of the awesome insights shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday for valuable industry insights and to meet hundreds of other smart marketers and social media enthusiasts. Same

ResourcesDec 7, 2017
7 Tips for Building a Career in Marketing (Advice and Insights From Top Founders and Investors)

“How did you get into marketing?” At Buffer, members of our marketing team are often asked this question. And the truth is, the path looks different for each of us: * Alfred was in the army * Arielle was a health coach * Kevan, our Marketing Director, was a sports reporter But for those of you out there who want to start a career in marketing or maybe build from where you are in 2018, we’d love to help you figure out: * How can you transition from your current role into marketing? * Wha

ResourcesDec 4, 2017
Case Study: How Business Insider Grew Its Facebook Page to 1M+ Fans With Buffer

When you’re a small news team with a big workload, how do you keep social media updates flowing steadily around the clock? For U.S. business and technology news website Business Insider , the answer was Buffer. Paul Szoldra was a fan of Buffer’s simple scheduling power even before he became Business Insider’s West Coast Editor. “Basically, I pitched Buffer to everybody,” Szoldra says. “Once I started at BI and took over with the social media, I recognized that

ResourcesDec 1, 2017
The Future of Twitter: A #BufferChat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, our community had a lively discussion on the future of Twitter, with wishes for new features to predictions for what’s ahead. Read on to discover all of the awesome insights shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday for valuable industry insights and to meet hundreds of other smart marketers and social media enthusiasts. Same topi

ResourcesNov 28, 2017
10 Free Tools to Help You Understand Your Social Media Audience

We often recommend crafting your social media posts according to your audience. But how do you know who the individuals that make up your social media audience are? And how do you know what content they like? Answering these two questions is essential if you’re looking to execute a successful social media strategy. And often, you’ll find the answers by turning to data and social media analytics [https:/

ResourcesNov 27, 2017
Practicing Gratitude: A #BufferChat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, our community had a wonderful discussion on practicing gratitude, from how to start to how it can change our lives for the better. Read on to discover all of the awesome insights shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday for valuable industry insights and to meet hundreds of other smart marketers and social media enthusiasts. Sam

ResourcesNov 22, 2017
9 Little-Known Facebook Marketing Features and Hacks You Can Try Today

When I first started diving into Facebook marketing for business I was happy to simply send out an error-free post. No typos? No poorly-cropped images? No negative feedback? Perfect! But with each new post came new learnings about Facebook marketing best-practices until it came to a point where I could explore all of the useful featur

ResourcesNov 17, 2017
Understanding Your Audience: A #BufferChat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, our community talked all about understanding your social media audience, everything from tools to strategies and best practices. With Twitter moving to 280 characters, we switched from seven questions to six to have more time for conversation. Read on to discover all of the awesome insights shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesd

ResourcesNov 13, 2017
The Silent Rise of LinkedIn to 500M Members: What Marketers Need to Know for 2018 [SSM069]

What if I told you that LinkedIn, a social media platform that is now 14 years old, is the next big opportunity for marketers and brands? While much of the focus over the last few years has been on perfecting our Facebook and Instagram marketing strategies, LinkedIn has been silently growing their user base to more than 500 million users. The reason for this sudden growth? LinkedIn is no longer known only for their résumé and job searching capabilities. It’s evolving into a thriving network o

ResourcesNov 10, 2017
Social Media Monitoring: A #BufferChat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, our community chatted about social media monitoring and how to listen to your audience and adjusting your strategies accordingly. Read on to discover all of the awesome insights shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday for valuable industry insights and to meet hundreds of other smart marketers and social media enthusiasts. Same

ResourcesNov 7, 2017
I Read More Than 20 Instagram Studies so You Don’t Have to. Here’s What I Found.

At Buffer, we’re big fans of using data and research to guide our social media strategy . So when it came to finding the best Instagram strategy, I turned to social media studies . I read through more than 20 studies on Instagram marketing from companies like Facebook, Simply Measured, and News Whip. Some analyzed the top Instagram accounts while

ResourcesNov 4, 2017
Building A Positive Work Culture: A #BufferChat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, our community talked all about building a positive work culture — covering everything from how positivity impacts productivity to preventing false harmony. Read on to discover all of the awesome insights shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday for valuable industry insights and to meet hundreds of other smart marketers and soci

ResourcesNov 2, 2017
A Simple 3-Step Approach to Increasing Conversions and ROI with Social Media Advertising

There’s so much to learn with social media advertising that it’s difficult to know exactly where to start. For example, audience targeting, budgeting , A/B testing, pixel tracking, writing, designing, and analyzing all need to be taken into account if you want to see positive ROI from social media advertising. There’s time and resource

ResourcesNov 1, 2017
Getting Started with Instagram for Your Business: 8 Simple Steps

More than 1 billion people use Instagram every month 2TechCrunch, June 2018 , and over five million businesses use Instagram to tell their stories visually, connect with their fans, and build their brand 2Instagram business blog, September 2017 . If you’re new to Instagram, it might be daunting to think about how you can stand out in such a large crowd. But getting started with Instagram is much easier than it might look. In this post, you’ll learn the basics of using Instagram, from how t

ResourcesOct 27, 2017
Team Collaboration: A #BufferChat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, our community discussed team collaboration — everything from dealing with conflicts to favorite ways to build trust between teammates. Read on to discover all of the awesome insights shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday for valuable industry insights and to meet hundreds of other smart marketers and social media enthusiasts.

ResourcesOct 20, 2017
Exploring Creativity: A #Bufferchat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, our community chatted about exploring creativity, from our favorite mediums to the impact of creativity on our day to day lives. Read on to discover all of the awesome insights shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday for valuable industry insights and to meet hundreds of other smart marketers and social media enthusiasts. Same

ResourcesOct 18, 2017
Decoding the Facebook Algorithm: A Fully Up-to-Date List of the Algorithm Factors and Changes

If you do Facebook marketing , one thing that you might want to understand is the Facebook algorithm. The Facebook algorithm helps make sense of the huge number of posts that people and businesses share every day and chooses the posts to show in our News Feed based on a huge number of factors. We want to help you understand how your Facebook posts get viewed on Facebook. So we’re collecting all the relevant Facebook algorithm factors, updates, an

ResourcesOct 16, 2017
8 Tips to Quickly Master Social Media For Businesses & Entrepreneurs [SSM065]

Much has been written on the Buffer Blog about social media strategy . In the last month alone, we’ve covered (in great detail) everything from Facebook Messenger marketing and managing multiple social media accounts to creating remarkable content [

ResourcesOct 12, 2017
All About Chat Bots: A #Bufferchat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, our community talked all about chat bots — what they are, how they can be used, how to build one, and everything in between. Read on to discover all of the awesome insights shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday for valuable industry insights and to meet hundreds of other smart marketers and social media enthusiasts. Same topi

ResourcesOct 10, 2017
13 Fantastic Places to Find Background Music for Your Video Content

Many experts predicted that 2017-2018 would be the “age of video marketing on social media ” and the data is showing that they were overwhelmingly correct. Video has erupted onto the scene with brands and businesses creating more video than ever before – with no signs of slowing down. Consumers are loving it, too! HubSpot, for example, found that 90% of users reported that product vi

ResourcesOct 4, 2017
Creating a Brand Style Guide: A #Bufferchat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, our community discussed the value of creating a brand style guide and all that goes into making an awesome one. We talked about the key elements of a brand guide, tips for articulating a brand’s voice , advice for getting employees on board with consistent branding, and much more. Read on to discover all of the awesome insights shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat [