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Resources - Page 12

A collection of posts on Resources

ResourcesAug 2, 2017
The Complete Guide to Facebook Groups: How to Create a Group, Build a Community and Increase Your Organic Reach

Facebook has recently launched Groups for Pages, enabling the 70 million+ Pages on Facebook to create their own unique communities and feeds. This update provides new ways for brands to boost engagement and could go some way to countering the decline in organic reach Facebook Page owners have been experiencing for the past few years [

ResourcesJul 27, 2017
Using Data to Shape Experiences: A #Bufferchat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, “tech humanist” Kate O’Neill (founder of KO Insights ) stopped by to share her thoughts about using data to shape experiences. The community discussed how to measure experiences, how to identify meaningful data , what to do when the data doesn’t match your intuition, and much more! Read on to discover all of the awesome insights that were shared durin

ResourcesJul 27, 2017
How We Increased the Readership of Buffer’s Blog to Over 1.5 Million Visits

Every company is a media company these days, and Buffer is no different. We started the Buffer Social blog in January 2011 and since then it has been a key component in the success of the company. We have published more than 1,000 posts—and we’re honored to receive more than 1.5 million visits every month. It’s been a long, challenging journey, though. We first hit one million sessions in a calendar month during March 2015—a full 4 years after launching—and after months of floating around 1.1

ResourcesJul 25, 2017
The Complete Guide to Creating Effective Snap Ads with Snapchat Ad Manager

In the past, if you wanted to run Snap Ads (Snapchat ’s full-screen video ads), you would need to go through one of their ads partners. Now, though, you can create Snap Ads yourself through Snapchat’s new self-serve ads tool, Snapchat Ad Manager. Snapchat has even included a video creation tool in the Snapchat Ad Manager to make creating engaging, awesome-looking vertical videos a breeze. We’re thrilled by the possibilities that Snapchat Ad Manager has bro

ResourcesJul 20, 2017
Why I Think Social Media Is For Branding and Engagement, Not Traffic or Revenue

Social media is changing. It used to be a one-to-many channel. Businesses would publish links, photos, and videos on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, hoping to reach as many people as they can and drive a high number of leads and sales. When marketers first started using social media as a marketing channel, there was less content, less noise, and people were willing to click on almost everything they saw on their news feed. Then, we hit content shock. There is now more content on social pla

ResourcesJul 19, 2017
Investing in Yourself: A #Bufferchat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, the wonderful Angelia Trinidad (founder and CEO of Passion Planner ) stopped by to share her inspiring thoughts on the importance of investing in yourself. The community discussed how to set personal development goals, how to make time for creativity, ways to celebrate our successes, and much more! Read on to discover all of the awesome insights that were shared during the chat! Catch our weekly T

ResourcesJul 18, 2017
The Ideal Facebook Cover Photo Size And How To Make Yours Stand Out (Including 12 Excellent Examples)

Facebook Cover Photo Size The ideal size is 820 pixels wide by 462 pixels tall. According to Facebook, your cover photo is displayed at 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall on your Page on desktops and 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall on smartphones. But if you want to use a single image that works pretty well on both desktop and mobile, 820 pixels wide by 462 pixels tall seems to be the best. The Facebook cover photo. It feels like it should be so easy to pick one, and yet finding the perfect

ResourcesJul 17, 2017
The Anatomy of a Great Podcast: A #Bufferchat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, Jay Acunzo of the Unthinkable podcast stopped by to share his expertise and insights on the anatomy of a great podcast! The community discussed why they listen to podcasts, what keeps them hooked, the makings of a great podcast host, and much more. Read on to discover all of the awesome insights that were shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat, #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday for valuable industry insights and to meet hundreds of other smart m

ResourcesJul 11, 2017
How to Keep Up With Social Media News in Just 10 Minutes a Day

Keeping up with new changes on the various social media platforms is essential to staying ahead on social media. Did you know for example that Facebook now allows you to upload GIFs ? Or that Facebook has also changed the News Feed to encourage high-quality links to be shared ? If a piece of social media news is big enough (such as the lau

ResourcesJul 10, 2017
Awareness to Sales: Building a Social Media PRISM Funnel That Converts – Ian Cleary [SSM051]

Is social media best used for sales or for brand awareness and engagement? The age-old question that marketers have been debating even before Mark Zuckerberg started TheFacebook in his tiny Harvard dorm room back in 2004. So what’s the right answer? Is there one? Many marketers lean towards the side of brand awareness and engagement, while others can’t quite see the point of social media unl

ResourcesJul 6, 2017
We Made These 10 Social Media Mistakes so You Don’t Have To

This might sound contradicting — and it’s scary for us to admit. But, despite building a product that helps people succeed on social media, we have committed a good number of social media mistakes ourselves. Mistakes that have cost us reach and engagement, maybe even fans and customers. Now that we have learned from many of those mistakes, I would love to share our top 10 and how you can avoid committing them yourself. Let’s get started… Learn from These 10 Social Media Mistakes We’ve Made

ResourcesJul 5, 2017
Transparency in Business: A #Bufferchat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, we talked all about the value of transparency in business — the why, what and how! Our community shared insights about the benefits of transparency, how it impacts business, the first steps to talk toward a more transparent company, and much more! Read on to discover all of the awesome insights that were shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times

ResourcesJun 30, 2017
Top 10 Powerful Moments That Shaped Social Media History Over the Last 20 Years

Do you remember your first social media profile? Or, how about your first social media post? My first profile was on Myspace, my first friend was “Tom from Myspace,” and my first post was something like, “Myspace is awesome!” The rest is history. Social media has changed and evolved so much since the early days, it’s almost hard to believe how far we’ve come. How people use social media has changed as well. Gen Zs (now beginning to enter the workforce) only know a world with social media, com

ResourcesJun 29, 2017
The Impact of Social Media: A #Bufferchat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, our community shared stories about the positive impact of social media on our lives and businesses. Seven members of the Buffer team joined in from around the globe to chat with the community and tell their stories via video! Read on to discover all of the wonderful stories that were shared during the chat. Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday for

ResourcesJun 29, 2017
The Complete Guide to Using Stock Photos in Your Marketing

When you hear the term ‘stock photo’, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? My hunch is it’s probably a photo of a group of friends awkwardly laughing, business people staring at charts on a wall, or something along those lines. Probably not the best connotations, right? Used correctly, though, free stock photos can really bring your ads, blog posts, and content to life. And at Buffer, we use stock photos daily. Here’s why: * Stock photos are cost effective (mostly free ?) * If you

ResourcesJun 26, 2017
How to Get Your First 1,000 Followers on Every Major Social Network

This post was originally published in 2016 and has been updated with the latest tips and tricks to grow your following on every social media network. It also includes the latest podcast episode from The Science of Social Media! You’re taking the dive into a new social network, or you’re itching to grow your existing profile. You’ve got a social media strategy in place and a plan in mind. You’re raring to go. What would be one of the most encouraging signs when you’re first starting off? We’d i

ResourcesJun 22, 2017
Snapchat for Businesses: A #Bufferchat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, we talked all about how to use Snapchat for businesses , brand building, and customer engagement. The community discussed tips for producing great content, building a following , partnering with influencers, and much more! Read on to discover all of the awesome insights that were shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat [

ResourcesJun 22, 2017
25 Days, 25 Expert Social Media Growth Strategies [New Email Course for Marketers]

What’s working for you on social media these days? One of our goals at Buffer is to always be iterating and experimenting with what we do on social media and in marketing. Whether it’s cutting our posting frequency, curating content, or creating square videos , we’re always up for trying new strategies ! Lots of times these experi

ResourcesJun 16, 2017
Celebrating Bufferchatters: A #Bufferchat (3rd Birthday!) Recap

This week on #bufferchat, we celebrated the 3rd birthday of our beloved #bufferchat! We decided to celebrate what makes the chat so meaningful and fun each week — the incredible #bufferchat community. We asked some silly questions, some thoughtful ones, and learned what makes each #bufferchat community member unique. ? Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday for valuable indust

ResourcesJun 15, 2017
127 Time-Saving Keyboard Shortcuts for Social Media Marketers

I used to think the few seconds I save by using keyboard shortcuts are not useful. I mean, what can I do with those few seconds? A lot, it seems… A few seconds here and there can add up. And according to Brainscape , you can save up to eight workdays per year! Just by using shortcuts—enough time for a long vacation. Being a social media marketer , you spend a lot

ResourcesJun 12, 2017
On Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Social Media and Becoming a Better Marketer – Paul Jarvis [SSM047]

For all of history creativity has, in a sense, been taken advantage of by business. Look at any musician’s record deal. Or any painter who has found someone to represent them and put their work in galleries. Or the author whose book you see atop the NY Times Bestseller list. It’s a perfect symbiotic relationship. Well, that is, until recently. Over the last decade,

ResourcesJun 8, 2017
Influencer Marketing: A #Bufferchat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, we discussed how to implement influencer marketing into our marketing strategy. The community shared advice about identifying the “right” influencers to work with, creative ways for influencers to showcase your brand/product, and much more! Read on to discover all of the awesome insights that were shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, [https

ResourcesJun 6, 2017
7 Social Media Analytics and Reporting Tips for Becoming a Data-Savvy Marketer

How do you know what’s working with your social media? And what’s not working? The social networks provide us with a ton of data about our posts but it can be hard to distinguish the signals from the noise. Imagine having a framework to pull out the signals from the noise — a framework that points you to the key information about your social media performance. With this framework, you can easily identify successful posts and understand why they did well. The key is social media analytics and

ResourcesJun 1, 2017
Building Community at Conferences: A #Bufferchat recap

This week on #bufferchat, we discussed tips and advice for building community at conferences. Our community talked about ideas for breaking the ice, using social media to strengthen community building, creating an inclusive environment, and much more! Read on to discover all of the awesome insights that were shared during the chat, from our community and from our two wonderful guests this week, Erica McGillivray and David Spinks [