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A collection of 2,477 blog posts

Customer ServiceFeb 26, 2013
3 Easy Ways to Improve Your Company’s Email Support

This is a guest post by Gregory Ciotti, a contributing Buffer Blog columnist. Read more about Greg at the bottom of the post, or read his latest resource, the complete guide to customer service training. Although delighting your customers (like Buffer) is an important part of creating a business people love, the “evangelists” out there always seem to focus on fluff, and rarely address the far less glamorous side of implementation. That’s because it’s easy to talk the talk, but hard to put gre

Tips / How ToFeb 19, 2013
Multiple Twitter Accounts: Do You Need Them in Your Social Media Strategy?

The following article is a guest post by Daniel Sharkov, an 18 year old student, marketer, blogger and a social media enthusiast. More about him at the bottom of the post. So, you are a business blogger or a marketer, who’d like to make more sales? Or maybe you simply want more people to read what you have to say? If the answer to those questions is yes, then there’s a good chance that you already have a Twitter account, where you share your content and get to know other folks in your niche. A

ResourcesFeb 14, 2013
The Science of How Temperature and Lighting Impact Our Productivity

Recently I sat down with Brendan Baker , one of the smartest people I’ve come across here in Silicon Valley. Clearly his brainpower exceeds mine by far and Brendan started explaining about a few things that I somehow always deemed true, but could never quite back up with great arguments or put my finger on: “Your environment has a huge impact on how productive you are. That means the temperature in your room, the colour of your walls and the noise happening ar

Customer ServiceFeb 11, 2013
How happy were Buffer users in January 2013: The Happiness Report

“Customers may forget what you said but they’ll never forget how you made them feel.” ~ Anon Welcome to the first Happiness Report of 2013! Each month we share how we are managing support here at Buffer, as well as take a look at how happy people are when using our product. We walk through what worked well, what perhaps didn’t work so well, as well as mention new things we’re trying as we push to improve how we deliver support and happiness. A look at our numbers in January Digging straight

Buffer NewsFeb 7, 2013
How to Discover and Share the Best Content on the Web – Feedly and Buffer Partner

We’ve been super hard at work here at Buffer over the past few weeks to make one of the most awesome new integrations available today: Buffer and Feedly are teaming up to make discovering and sharing awesome content easier than ever before. Feedly is one of the smartest and most beautifully designed newsreading apps for iOS, Android and web. Intuitively it syncs across all your devices and lets you find and read the best content from across the web. It came as no surprise that so many of you we

Customer ServiceFeb 6, 2013
5 Customer Experience Metrics Every Successful Company Tracks

This is a guest post by Amar Zagorica from Helpjuice, makers of awesome knowledge base software . More about Amar at the bottom of the post. We respond to 93% of our customer support emails  within 5 minutes! Caught your attention, right? That’s one of the beautiful things about knowing  and promoting your company’s metrics, they grab attention and draw customers to you. One of the best ways to accelera

Self-ImprovementJan 31, 2013
How To Rewire Your Brain for Positivity and Happiness

The following post is a guestpost by Walter Chen, founder of a unique new project management tool IDoneThis. More about Walter at the bottom of the post. Ever go through a phase where you feel like every day is a Monday? You wake up, you hit snooze. Then you hit snooze again and you just don’t feel it? Yes, I know that negative emotions can eat away at my productivity, creativity, decision-making skills. And yet, I have to admit that sometimes it’s really difficult to reverse the course of a s

Customer ServiceJan 22, 2013
Measuring Customer Happiness at Buffer: December 2012

“Customers don’t expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong.” ~ Donald Porter, V.P. British Airways Well hello there! January has zipped by super fast but there’s just enough time left to share with you our third Happiness Report and dive into how we managed support during December and also how happy people are when using Buffer. We’ll walk through what worked well for the team here at Buffer, what perhaps didn’t work so well, as well as new things we’re tryin

Case StudiesJan 17, 2013
What Makes Content Spread: The Anatomy of a Post That Got Over 500,000 Likes

This month, I was kindly invited to speak at a conference in Las Vegas. In the audience of my panel session were two people, Marc and Angel Chernoff, whom I’ve admired for a long time. When I was lucky enough to be able to get dinner with them afterwards, I told them that I’d have loved to switch roles and be in the audience listening to their advice. Why? Marc and Angel ru

Customer ServiceJan 8, 2013
The 3 Psychological Triggers that Matter to Happy Customers

This is a guest post by Gregory Ciotti, a contributing Buffer Blog columnist. Read more about Greg at the bottom of the post, or read his latest article on measuring customer satisfaction. The customer of today is an infovore. Before doing business with you, a majority of customers will now use the information available on the web to learn about your company and your service quality. Transparency is the way the business world works these days, and it’s forced companies to re-examine their sale

Life HackingJan 1, 2013
The Science of New Year’s Resolutions: Why 88% Fail and How to Make Them Work

Wanting to change yourself and better yourself is a beautiful and inspiring thing, I believe. And it turns out that’s also how most other people think: 50% of all Americans for example set themselves a New Year’s resolution. That’s pretty amazing! What’s not so great is that according to the researcher Richard Wiseman, 88% of all those set resolutions from half of America and probably lots of other people in the world fail. That’s 156 million failed resolutions and disappointed minds each and

ToolsDec 29, 2012
The Top 10 Secret Buffer Hacks and Features: Supercharge Your Social Sharing in 2013

2012 is almost over and it’s been an absolutely crazy year here at Buffer. We launched a brand new iPhone app and web app and tons of new app integrations . Amidst developing all these new things, our team has also built in some nifty secret hacks and lesser known ways to use Buffer. To make your sharing even more awesome and to give you an edge over everyone else, here are the top 10 hacks and hidden tricks to ta

Customer ServiceDec 14, 2012
Measuring Customer Happiness at Buffer: November 2012

“Customer service is not a department, it’s everyone’s job.” ~ Anonymous It’s hard to believe another month has skipped by and it’s already time for our second Happiness Report, where we examine how happy people are when using Buffer . The first one was already super insightful and we made a lot of changes with the learnings from it. Especially with your great comments and suggestions! Before the holidays kick into high gear,

Buffer NewsDec 11, 2012
How to Get the Most out of the New Buffer iPhone App

With the brand new web app we are launching today, we’ve got another special gift ready for you, just in time for Christmas. The brand new Buffer iPhone app has hit the app store today. We’ve made tons of improvements and revamped the app to work with some exciting new features. Most importantly, you can do nearly all the things you can already do from the web app in the iPhone app now too. The Buffer iPhone app is

Buffer NewsDec 11, 2012
The Complete Guide to the Brand New Buffer Web App

What a crazy few weeks here at Buffer HQ in San Francisco to make everything work out in time for Christmas. The last thing we wanted to happen was for you to not get your shiny new presents. And fortunately, it all worked out. The brand new Buffer is ready today. We’re launching both a brand new web app and iPhone app today. So without, further ado, let’s dig in and have a look around about what’s new: Easily

Self-ImprovementNov 29, 2012
The Science of Storytelling: What Listening to a Story Does to Our Brains

In 1748, the British politician and aristocrat John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich, used a lot of his free time for playing cards. One of the problems he had was that he greatly enjoyed eating a snack, whilst still keeping one hand free for the cards. So he came up with the idea to eat beef between slices of toast, which would allow him to finally eat and play cards at the same time. Eating his newly invented “sandwich,” the name for two slices of bread with meat in between, became one of th

Life HackingNov 15, 2012
What the Research on Habit Formation Reveals About our Willpower and Overall Well-Being

This is guestpost by Jason Shen, an entrepreneur, blogger, and athlete, more about Jason at the end of the post. In the past decade, there has been a lot of fascinating academic research conducted around habit formation and willpower. By examining things like how smokers quit and why student perform well, researchers are starting to piece together the answers to how we can build lasting habits and improve our ability to resist temptation. One surprising result is this: to improve your overall

Online MarketingNov 9, 2012
10 Simple Ways to Get More Customers Using Psychology

So here is a simple question, what do you need to do, to get more customers? The intuitive response that most would give to this topic (me included), are a good product, good marketing, good customer support and so forth. But what if we could actually look into our customers heads to truly understand how we they are thinking? That’s exactly what our great friends, Gregory Ciotti over at HelpScout have done, to produce this fascinating in

Buffer NewsNov 6, 2012
3 Awesome New Ways to Share All Day Long With a Full Buffer

Every week, over 1 million posts are shared via Buffer. It’s an amount that always blows my mind. At the start of Buffer, it took 6 months to send 100,000 updates. Now there are more than 140,000 posts every single day. With so many updates being sent through Buffer every day, it can still be difficult to keep your Buffer full, day in day out. So, to make your life easier, we’ve started to get Buffer into various news reading apps you and lots of others have asked for. Today, I’m super excited

Customer ServiceNov 2, 2012
Measuring Customer Happiness at Buffer: October 2012

“Happy customers who get their issue resolved tell 4 to 6 people about their experience.” ~ White House Office Welcome to our very first Happiness Report. I’m really excited to share for the first time our experiences of delivering happiness to our awesome customers here at Buffer. Each month we will talk about things we have learned, look at our analytics and introduce new ideas for increasing hap

5 Most Important Writing Lessons Learned After Pivoting Our Blog Twice

The story of why we started a fully focused content marketing strategy here at Buffer is actually one that isn’t glamorous at all. It was born out of pure necessity that we couldn’t get any press coverage for the launch of Buffer. For the first few weeks I was on board, I tried restlessly to do one thing: get the top tech news sites to do a write-up about our newly launched app. It didn’t work out at all. Pitch after pitch I emailed got n

Buffer NewsOct 27, 2012
A Smarter Way to Read and Share on Your Mac – Pocket and Buffer Team Up

If you are a proud Mac owner yourself, you’ll know better than anyone that finding a good newsreading Mac app is hard (apart from Reeder). Fortunately, all of this changed this week, as Pocket have released their brand new Mac app to read or watch any items you have saved later on. The app comes packed with tons of details that allow you to make reading across different devices easier and more powerful. Luckily for all Buffer love

Life HackingOct 23, 2012
Why We Buy Into Ideas: How to Convince Others of Our Thoughts

This is a guestpost by Iris Shoor , co-founder and VP Product and marketing at Takipi , more about Iris at the bottom of the post. If you think about it, each one of us has different natural and acquired capabilities. Some of us learn new languages quickly, some are more social than others while some remember the face of each person they’ve come across. These strengths determine how we think and make decisions. Yes, this is probably obvious – d

Life HackingOct 17, 2012
How Your Productivity Is Determined by What You Eat

Every 7 years our body will change completely. This means that each and everyone of your cells will have been renewed and exchanged for another one that your body has produced. I was always amazed by this. And science suggests that this gives us a unique chance to change and erase any mistakes we’ve made in the past. How? Through a focus on the food we eat. Fortunately we don’t have to wait 7 years. Day-to-day changes to our diet can have a massive impact on our productivity. Something like thi